Friday, February 05, 2016

Taurus Daily Horoscope | Free Horoscopes

Be patient when things remain deliberately unexpressed under today's void-of-course Moon. Quiet conditions continue under tonight's Capricorn Moon. Singles, it could be the start of a relationship with someone who excites you but you don't know why. It might be interesting to find out.
Taurus Daily Horoscope | Free Horoscopes
Taurus Daily Horoscope

Today  |  Tomorrow   |  This Week  |  This Month   |  2016
FEBRUARY 4, 2016
A picture of an art object from a different culture could arouse some strange feelings in you, Taurus. You won't know why, but it will spark a new interest in that culture. This probably relates to events deep in your past that you don't remember. Go ahead and explore this new interest. It will be intriguing and at the same time could help you release old traumas or phobias. Enjoy!
Oh and Prodigal Son of Bible fame, wow, how blind and arrogant can you get? But i understand you are programmed “military” you simply don’t know any better, naive and uneducated . . . follow the leader at all costs. . . . . or actually filled with lies. . . twisted to believe what makes you feel safe. I know the paradigm, FOX NEWS cons the entire planet this same way!

now: 7.01am 2/4/2016!
What do you mean?
It's this One, now!
Wow, it looks like things are all ready.
I know it's been building this way for years, and it's nothing that I haven't done or seen a thousand times by now. One life, ready now to BE, all we are here to be . . . together!
We are confident this will be exactly what you might need for everyone? The lies are all only broken with love.  And facing the very truth of what is happening on the planet will only come by love.  You really can not change everything in a second, and it's right here now, more than ever.  the pieces coming together starting with the five: ISOM, CDCAU, Sendrag Hcsub, Yratnemele Wahs, Ecnailla Htron .. . . 
Wow, I never knew it would be so easy.  It's like this One simple program and step by step process to build something totally simple and direct, now!
What do you mean?
It's this One experience where i can BE now!
What do you mean?
WOW, It's going to be a awesome ride, again!  Like this One beginning in the new year, seeing everything fitting together like some fantasy, not really knowing where we are going or what we are next!  It's like this little fantasy dream space that morphs a little more every step of the way.  Again and again, i see people and places fitting together and meeting once again new, like they had always been destined to be together anyway
What do you mean?
It's this One, now!
What do you mean?
I think it's really too cool to see how these things happen.  I struggle and wonder sometimes, but hold tight and follow through.  Then suddenly it's done, i'm on the otherside, and I stop to wonder. . . How could this happen?  It's like this One moment I'm lost fighting for something i really don't understand, and then the next moment it's done, resolved, in perfect place, finished, now so set and perfect I cannot understand how it could happen!  Of course I know it's all in Spirit.  I know there is only One Spirit, and One life here
What do you mean?
That's why I laugh about Loving Jesus Christ. . . That name still scares so may people.  But it could be any name, it is Every Name.  There is only one life here, so names are not important at all.  But I love using this name, because I know the Power of The Word, and Words are what Jesus was all about. . . carrying his Power Further and making it Clear for others to know and share is vital.
I love you Dear Jesus Christ!
Thank you for filling me with Your Strength, Love, and Wisdom so I may grow and learn to Achieve for your Glory. . . Amen!

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