Friday, March 25, 2016

One same life here


the best is discovering something new.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What time now?
It's Fri Mar 25 2.56.56!

What do you need these funny numbers for.  For a while there you would study them and link the song on the radio, chasing all the clues and finding exactly what they all meant.  Now you could really careless.  But what's remarkable to us, is how surprised you are all the time.  It's been all here since the beginning of time.  That same time you first spoke to us, asking for something different.  Now it is so different, and new and bizarre that nothing else will really matter, like you are so far ahead of the wave, that you can sit and watch, laugh and wonder about it.  Soak up the sunshine, indulge and enjoy for a moment.  It's all connected and real.  No one can touch you, since you started it all anyway.  It's liek the cops knowing they can't stop you or give you a ticket.  It's just the way things are, the sun comes up, and no tickets.  Sorry nothing else to it . . . 
It's like you waste countless hours trying to explain and justify things, while it's really totally irrelevant for you. . .and for us.  And since we are the One same life here, it's almost funny to talk about.  Like of course your paper will be perfect, and substantially beyond all the others offered.  But you are the PhD student here, and you want to be able to create all these things exactly as you have imagined since the start of time.  
Yes, stop and consider, "since the start of time" you conceived of all this, and allowed it to be. . . . You live in a world where setting the intention is everything.  There is nothing more, that they can do.  It's a contract for services and you can sue to enforce it exactly the way that you want . . . .
I better stop, you are running away with this!

What do you expect, it's always the same story
I really need to laugh about this, as I can see more coming togehter all the time.  And it's 

What tiem now?
It's 6.34.30AM !

What a great job you did on this assignment.  And you even sent out stars stuff.  Great!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Fill me with your Strength Love and Wisdom ;-)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

we always did. Black Beard, Eric the Red,

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What time is it?
It's Wed Mar 23 12.48.37 AM!
What are you up for?
I've been FLASHING all over the place!
We all know there is nothing to this, and you get totally perplexed as it happens faster and faster.  It's what you are here to do, nothing more.  We are all here for our reasons.  And what is most fun for us is that we have all been together from the start doing the exact same things we always did. Black Beard, Eric the Red, all the same names over and over again too.  Why is that?  We know it all already.  But the best is discovering something new.  Making the world work in a new way,  changing what is, into what we want.  And we all do it all the time.  It's just some of us are helped more than others. So families get together and only help each others.  Sad! 
We are all one, why help one instead of helping all?  It's really the insane lie we feed each other.  More and more people are convinced they need to lie to survive, but it's really the lies that kill you.  So you could live forever it you wanted.  like saying today you would be here for another 3000 years, with dozens of kids/ / / 2.01.21AM
It's so weird to come back again to write, and see such wonderful numbers!  I know i can do anythign and will be doing more than i know possible.  But to see such obvious confirmations, over and over again, where ever i look.  it's really weird and remarkable at the same time.  I mean, doing this is weird enough, but to see things so fast and easy over and over again.  Nothing to do but play.  I mean having my own play ground is weird enough, but building it more and more, right before my eyes
 What did you falsh to just now
I build my road bike and road Bird!  I was flying to Etep Ts in 20 minutes. . . Mik and I could go there anytime we wanted to. . . It 's so weird now
What you are experiencing is really not dreams, or visions, but actual creation.  It's really strange that all around you the Planet is growing and changing all the time.  And you all assume so "Life Force" is doing this. . . Some unknown evolutionary force hidden behind there somewhere. . . .while all along you have been doing it all yourself.  each moment you dream and vision you move energy and create new things.  It's weird as you seem to hide from it.  It's what you do naturally, because it really is that unknown evolutionary force hidden behind everything, as it's what you are and do for moving the planet and civilization forward.
I'm back!  Wed mar 23 2.23.43 AM
What have you been doing . . .
I keep reading over my paper!  It's really so much more beyond my dream visions of who I am and what I do 2
What it's 2.56.50 AM now too, as you just wrote Nhoj and Narik about it all, as you know things are about to really shift again.  You always know these things, and you know it's crazy busy for you and that everything will be perfect, and awesome.  Nothing to worry ever for the moment.  It's exactly where it needs to be, and there is nothing to do but watch it all happen, beyond your wildest dreams. . . knwo it will be
I know, seems like it's always a surprise, but then i always know!
We always have fun with that!
I'm sure, but why do you have to make things such a struggle some times!
What about if you just do it, and then it's not a struggle anymore.  And of course, it's the reason why you are there.  No one will do anything, except you to get it done.  Simple and direct.  Finish the job that no one else will do. . . get in and get out. . .
I know, except i don't want to go anywhere!
What you will see, will make you laugh.
I know i can do anything!
We see you flash again to that road bird, and fly off to Etep Ts, as if it were just across the pond, not across the state.  up in the air you are free and happy, just like riding your bike.
I need to get to bed!
What about doing ritual first
I guess so!
We will help, and you'll enjoy it
I know!
Wait and see.
Thank you so much, I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Diffusion of Innovations by Everett M. Rogers

Diffusion of Innovations by Everett M. Rogers :: SSRN

Getting an innovation adopted is difficult; a common problem is increasing the rate of its diffusion. Diffusion is the communication of an innovation through certain channels over time among members of a social system. It is a communication whose messages are concerned with new ideas; it is a process where participants create and share information to achieve a mutual understanding. Initial chapters of the book discuss the history of diffusion research, some major criticisms of diffusion research, and the meta-research procedures used in the book. This text is the third edition of this well-respected work. The first edition was published in 1962, and the fifth edition in 2003. The book's theoretical framework relies on the concepts of information and uncertainty. Uncertainty is the degree to which alternatives are perceived with respect to an event and the relative probabilities of these alternatives; uncertainty implies a lack of predictability and motivates an individual to seek information. A technological innovation embodies information, thus reducing uncertainty

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What happened  . . .
It was really totally weird. . . I just wrote to my son:
I’m so glad I told you to PRAY, My life is just TOO WEIRD=GOD, like now I’m trying to revise an article to graduate (yes ONE article left for my degree) and I’m reading over my sources, so someone mentioned the Rogers’ (2003) idea that it is the adopter’s perception of the innovation, well who is Rogers talking about Innovations?  So I check the references in the article “Rogers, E.M., 2003. The Diffusion of Innovations. Free Press, New York.” and wow its in the free press, so it's a free book about Innovations, I’m sure I have it already.  And I do: C:\Users\Documents\Research Folder\New Research\FNL RVW\PHY\1962 BOOK,Rogers,Diffusion of innovations.pdf  So I search through it for “adopter’ perception” thinking it might be something important that I need to read over now.  Course nothing found.  So I wonder maybe I didn’t convert the complete PDF, often I’ll Character Read the first page to cut and paste the title out. . . so I clicked the scroll bar to highlight some text and see if I can read it. . . Sure only page 3, usually my Character Read is like 10 pages to get the copyright pages where the titles don't have any crazy fonts.  So I click the scroll bar again and just selected/highlighted some random text, course the first word is in Italics in the book: adoption is a decision to make full use of an innovation as the best course of action available”
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you so Much for sharing this moment with me.  Please continue to Fill me with Your Strength, Love and Wisdom so I may continue to Grow and Achieve in Your Glory! Amen.

Thus, diffusion of innovations is a social process that communicates perceived information about a new idea; it produces an alteration in the structure and function of a social system, producing social consequences. Diffusion has four elements: 

  1. an innovation that is perceived as new,  
  2. communication channels,  
  3. time, and  
  4. a social system (members jointly solving to accomplish a common goal).
Diffusion systems can be centralized or decentralized. The innovation-development process has five steps passing from recognition of a need, through R&D, commercialization, diffusions and adoption, to consequences. Time enters the diffusion process in three ways: 

  1. innovation-decision process,
  2. innovativeness, and  
  3. rate of the innovation's adoption. 
The innovation-decision process is an information-seeking and information-processing activity that motivates an individual to reduce uncertainty about the (dis)advantages of the innovation. There are five steps in the process: 
  1. knowledge for an adoption/rejection/implementation decision; 
  2. persuasion to form an attitude, 
  3. decision,
  4. implementation, and 
  5. confirmation (reinforcement or rejection).
Innovations can also be re-invented (changed or modified) by the user. The innovation-decision period is the time required to pass through the innovation-decision process. Rates of adoption of an innovation depend on (and can be predicted by) how its characteristics are perceived in terms of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. The diffusion effect is the increasing, cumulative pressure from interpersonal networks to adopt (or reject) an innovation. Overadoption is an innovation's adoption when experts suggest its rejection. Diffusion networks convey innovation-evaluation information to decrease uncertainty about an idea's use. The heart of the diffusion process is the modeling and imitation by potential adopters of their network partners who have adopted already. Change agents influence innovation decisions in a direction deemed desirable. Opinion leadership is the degree individuals influence others' attitudes

Friday, March 11, 2016

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
3/11/16 11.27pm What are you doing
I'm with my son as we do our homework!  And I know there is really a million zillion things for me to do and work on, but it's the first time I've had a chance to see him in weeks.  Today, Mik completed her Nwotnwod Development Forum that totally rocked.  I was so glad to hear she got home early, so I told her I would go out with Rehpotsirhc so she could have some privacy.  I knew she would just love it.
What happened?
Sirhc asked about visiting FSU over the weekend and we decided to go now.  So I drove us to EOA and FSU, and stopped at home!  We always talk so much while driving, so ended up deciding to pick up goodies at my house.  So we walked in on Mik who, jumped up and dressed to visit with Sirhc.  She told him about meeting his Department Chair who was one of 14 speakers at her conference.  And as we were all chatting the pizza she ordered arrived.  We each had a piece and Sirhc and I went into my office.  By the time we left she offered what was left.  We took my bottle of wine.  And Have been sitting here at his place all evening.
What did you do in the office?
I opened my server and then the WordPress desktop to see what he was working on!  He showed me his troubles with it and I made some screen prints and sent a question to some people around the office.  I'm not sure if any will have any idea about how to get things done, but i can ask a few more soon too. . . 
What else have you been talking about?
It's really been fun!  And it was about fun.  I kept coming back to say how important it was for him, and us, to get really serious and powerful about loving our very moment.  Not looking or seeking, wondering or questioning, but just staying present and loving the moment.  Being real about what made the joy and love come up for us each individually in the day to day experiences around us. Staying in those moments and taking the opportunities that come up for us.
I told him he should Pray when he meditates, nothing fancy just soemthing short and simple to start.   I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.