Saturday, December 09, 2023

5:21:08 dec 10, 2023
everything has shifted again. Jesus is getting wicked kewl! I need to do again!
and i've toked again each morning. I realized that it was part of my weekend experiences. Something I was missing after doing so for so long. Everything is about getting back into the experience and joy of life. I'm a child again building my first. I've got my video together and have recorded my exercising with Rob my Physical Therapist. . .

Over the years, she has naturally become part of the pool of international experts and was asked to conduct researches and reviews at different levels: United Nations, European Commission, Governments and the private sector.

As a writer, she has published 12 books, contributed to several WHO books (mental health policy, International Research Ethhics Training, INNOV8, etc) and more than 180 scientific articles, policy papers, governmental, EU or UN reports. She received an international Award from the UN secretary-general for the work accomplished and from Swiss organisations, she was nominated in the 100 personalities of Switzerland. She is regularly invited by the media for interviews, for TEDx or as a keynote speaker at different types of event.

A series of publications and articles are posted and free to download on this website. More will be posted in the coming months as the situation unfolds.

Full Curriculum Vitae is available upon request. Due to the many controversial aspects of the current times, several key “Letters of recommendations” and evidence of my credentials have been posted in a transparent way, such as from International organisations (WHO, ILO, UN, World Bank), European Commission and different governmental agencies.

4:21PM 12/9/23 Too much noise in here, you can not hear anything 

What happened to professional services for business owners.???

Ok so it doesn’t work yet, and I’m not getting any help with anything. I’s really getting annoying too. I guess I’m going too fast and trying to do too much again. I picked up a guy to stay as an ABB guest and stopped at a few places to get things set. It’s really a pain in the ass, but I think I have a good guy here. 

I kinda got freaked out again. This time and eleven year old attorney had lost his parents. What would show-up for me. I mean, my son got lost by an attorney before 11. I mean, how could I ask for the years of my son that were gone? Could I ever beg God, Jesus, Mother Mary or even Saint John!

FATHER of our love Jesus Christ.
Please give me back the next year after my son was ten. He got lost, lying to the judge. He had to, saved their lives! The boogie-man got them . . . Oh yes the snake had tricked them. But there is no way I could ever pray for them. Jesus had them. I couldn’t add my will or desire; by “praying for them,” I had to accept GOD’s WILL BE DONE!

SO I had to stop praying. Never really learned anyway. But they chose to leave me. SO BE IT. So how could I possible pray for the times and experiences we missed?

Then at the Men’s Fraternity, someone said a boy found his mother hung herself. . .  And his dad was gone too. So he has no one with him now. What a remarkable experience if this opened up for me. 

How can I BE EFFECTIVE for GOD’s Work, with another child? How can I do this again? How awesome would it be to pray and grow and share with another child. . . . Lol, who plays baseball. I mean

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
I I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

12/2/23 11:12AM AnotherLife R Us 

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I know I’ve been blessed all my life. I don’t need to explain or prove this, but am always giving examples. I can’t explain how many times I’ve seen the Grace of God in my life. Nor can I count the number of times others that I am with have seen this grace and beauty.
We want you to get more personal and direct. All the conditions you demanded in NJ when you returned home need to be rescinded. Yes this is a rescindment reconciliation.
I get it, You require the very formal, “witnessed sacrament” bringing back the focus and direction that you wanted from the beginning. This again feels really powerful and overpowering !
What you need to recognize now, is that writing these words above reminded you of the experience you had with Kimberly, who told your son and daughter-in-law-to-be about your experiences with God’s Grace replacing your roof in Seminole Heights. This joy and realization, where you never noticed how God’s Grace was fundamentally who you are, has impacted many lives already this morning. You wrote to Kimberly and John and several others as you were inspired. This is our power and focus with getting you to write. 
I get it. I know that writing has always been the place where I find comfort and ease in sharing with You. And I also realize how much you have been asking me to step beyond this. Like finding the fancy Apple Pen for the iPad Pro. I mean it’s been years since I lost

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