Monday, June 24, 2024

getting more focused on powerful

3:49pm 5/30/2024 Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What are you ready to share now?
I’ve been able to speak more about my ongoing conversations with you! It’s really nothing new. Ok, I guess every day you have something new for me. It’s been a challenge to keep up with you, as you seem to always have too much for me to do. Like now, I’m typing on my iPad, while my iPhone is connected to my iWatch saying 1 hour is needed to finish the watchOS 10.5 update. And then the MacBookPro says 15 minutes to complete the updates on Mojave 10.14.6. Yes, Jon took back the spectrum equipment as he’s working at Home Depot now, so all this tech stuff is slow and cumbersome . . . Of course, he sent a MSG to me now too.
What do you think, it’s your vibration getting higher and higher that everything connects more and more. This is why you need to be more careful about what you want and think. It’s shifting things around you all the time and then you get confused over the priorities.
I get it, as you get closer and closer to us we become more and more like you. As we think and desire we create. Some people recognize this and take responsibility, while others take advantage and exploit it. 
This is why we are always asking what you want or desire. As these things affect you and your vibration increases more than you think. Like clearing the space yesterday at your home. You wanted to clear and create more space and were able to find more and more as you moved into it. Again this happened with your exploration of the Cottage Food industry where you were able to create something very quickly, but had not explored it completely before your desire shifted things. 
I get it! That’s why I’m always so careful about what I ask for. It creates such a shift in things around me. As I want something that might not be best for me now, and then things shift so quickly I have a hard time stepping away from what I created. Like now the big glass case for Cottage Foods is set in my front yard, and so many things are moving in that direction.
We have told you this before and you have been able to get yourself moving in the right direction, but then again you get excited and start moving faster in one direction without us and you end up with so munch happening you get lost and lose touch. This is the experience of your sign-wave. Flying high one moment following our direction, then crashing again as you try to do too much and get in over your head.
Is that what I’ve done all my life! It’s really weird, and I use that word all the time. It’s always been a blessing and the total synchronicity of experience that gets me totally excited is always beyond my understanding. . . I am really ready to cry now. It feels like I’ve stepped beyond again. Assuming that something or everything will workout as it always does, and I’ll be ahead when I’m really just losing touch and failing behind.
What did you do now?
I called Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae who are supposed to be my mortgage company, holding my note for this house. And they told me it’s been sold to a private investment “trust.”  Which is basically something that I can’t find or really doesn’t exist, or is essentially hidden from us? That seems totally beyond me as I feel any corporation or trust that owns my home, must also file taxes and be a corporate citizen or something! When I first got the letter of my mortgage being messed-up that was the first thing I did. No mortgage company, seems to me that then there is no mortgage. How can something require something from me unless it’s in contract or something with me.
What you are feeling now is fear. All your power and control where you “think’ you are on top of the world doing something wonderful and righteous, on the top of your sign-wave. Suddenly shifts and falls into fear where everything drops out and you are on the bottom of the sign-wave.
Is this what I need to learn now? Am I going to get slammed again, and lose everything to be homeless and destitute? I wonder about that all the time! Like seeing a homeless person on the street and knowing how easy it is to fall there myself, or anyone. I always recognize those are just people learning through their own struggles, and equally realize people get there all the time. I guess I remember several people who stayed here with me that were really just a stones throw-away from being homeless and destitute on the street.

Oh course, I also know I can sell my home well above the cost of buying another. So I can certainly move on. But to finally be in a community and social group that I’m helping and contributing to. Yes, that is all I've ever done. I’ve also “assumed” or thought I could do more than what was at my place. And it feels like that has happened again to me again. . . . Like at the top of the sign-wave I get excited and “feel entitled” which blows out my place and I fall back to the bottom in the next wave.
What did you do now?
I applied for another job??? It’s a challenge for me to keep up with everything.

1:22:21   6/20/2024 I’ve been challenged again. I’ve been learning and watching and everything is shifting more again. People are growing and learning, but the shift is very subtle and it’s becoming more of a challenge for me to keep up.  This morning Dick asked me about priorities and how paying my bills should really be a priority. Like is the Cottage Food work going to be able to pay my bills? It was kinda obvious to both of us that it wasn’t realistic and he said how I needed to accept that the business world is not about hope but action and numbers.
What you heard Lisa say now is to “trust your inner compass.” 
It was really cool as I went to the Atrium class anyway, knowing it wouldn’t pay any bills and might even cost me instead. But then after lunch I answered a random phone call during a break and it was a St Pete College professor wanting to know if I was serious about the job. I thought that was odd because I met a City Engineering checking some construction near the church and he mentioned how they are having troubles getting people to show-up. That seemed kinda odd. But I did have an interview a few weeks back, and they also said they have had positions open where no one applied at all. 

Of course, that will never happen for me, as it always seems everyone wants to do anything I set out before me. Yes, I’ve even had to plan to leave or do something else, just to get the energy moving in that direction, only to shift abruptly, knowing full well that the motion in the one direction will never shift to my new destination in time to interfere with me.
 What we’ve been telling you more recently will require you to step out more strongly than ever. And you know what this means and how you can do it very easily, as the opportunities get more present and obvious for you.
I get the feeling that there is a lot more to this than I understand, and will simply go along as you direct me to!
What about challenging those that confront you about things you have known and done for years and years.
I guess that might include my writing now that seems to be so strong and simple all the time, but also getting more focused on powerful . . . 
 I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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