Friday, April 29, 2005

Slow-Release Fertilizer Team Reports

Friday, April 29, 2005
2:03 PM

Dr. K,
Hi I visited J... and we chatted a bit. I gave him his book, and offered to help him in anything he wants.

I know the last time I saw you I said in passing how it’s important to avoid the Ego too, since it leads to the Greed. I know you sorta blew me off, never heard or cared. But now I feel I need to say more... Bureaucracy is designed to Teach and Breed Greed and control. That is what it is designed for. You should know this already after hearing some of my county experiences. I had to do that so I could change it all. Just like my kids had to get lost in materialism (I saw Chris Monday, WOW ;-)). It’s an important lesson that everyone will learn sooner or later. So, if you’ve never been lost there before, plan on it! But anyway, I told you I wanted to share some pictures and movies with you and your kids.... (I’ve got the DVD’s and plan to watch them both next week with Rima and Hayley, if you want to join us...)

This is for you (course I wrote it for someone else originally, you’re the last person I thought would need to read it all, but anyway):

And this is something your kids will know: hum, might notice the same people in the camp pictures below... lol...
Your kids ARE like my kids and THEY DO all this already:
And so I wanted to invite you all to join me at summer camp, like I did last year:
And some more pictures
Oh and if you’ve never seen these, here’s my doggie Bear in the woods behind my house:
I’d love to see you again, lunch or anything....
Enjoy your trip, good luck...

Dr. K

Oh forgot a key point in all of this greed breeding bureaucracy crap... People never believe the conspiracy theories and all... that would make it too easy, "everyone in government can't be corrupt... " lol...

So here's the inside story... they'll say "oh we'll give you an assistant, so you wont have to deal with all the red-tape and BS in the Bureaucracy"

Ok that's great isn't it... lol... fools all of them!!! Cause then you see the assistant will make sure you learn to do everything like everyone else does... "oh that's standard procedure..." "everyone does it this way... " "of course you need a new boat anyway, we can't send any money back, we have to use it all, that's the rules...." lol...

It’s been nice... good luck....

PS. I'll always be here, feel free any time... lol...
Just don't forget about the kids.... lol... and they do all the movie stuff ALREADY, or can!!!

Dr’s Fountain and Marshal
I forgot to burn CD's for you of the Presentation and report. I will drop off 2-CD's Monday
Sorry for any inconvenience

eric weaver

President, Wishnatzki Farms
100 Stearn Ave.
Plant City, FL 33566

Mr. Wishnatzki;
I met you today briefly at USF. I am writing to ask for your help in developing a patent. I have sixteen years of engineering experience (please click the patent link near the bottom). Since 1999 I have been self-employed as a SWMM infrastructure program specialist; modeling rivers for local sub-division developments. I have not incorporated this engineering practice, but have recently incorporated Idea Weaver Inc. to expand patent developments. After my last patent submittal, my patent attorney told me to get a Patent Agent License since I had done most of it myself.

Therefore, I am very experienced in developing data and drawings for new creative endeavors since I began my engineering degree at USF in the 1980’s. My activities included identification of goals; conducting research; and preparing the final presentation. Specifically, I had visions about several patents before I came to USF, and have since been building them independently. I am currently negotiating with Tampa to build this new patent on public lands.

Recently I was working on a large sub-division and found a pile of old irrigation pipe intended for a bankrupt farm. This photo attached is of 8” HDPE. Roughly a 4’ pile of 20’ lengths which I need your help to move. The owner told me I could have them, since he is planning to build a sub-division there now. I’ve already built a greenhouse prototype and need to build a large scale version. I need your help to move this pipe and begin construction. We can share the patents if you can help.

Eric R. Weaver

6:19 PM
Wow, I realized that I’m still buried. I sent something to Chris who is working on the E-Commerce report with me and I only did 9 pages out of 30. Wow, does that suck. Then I also remembered a few things I left out for the SMA report too. I already wrote to the teachers about adding digital copies of the reports. But it is kinda embarrassing. I did meet one of the people involved with the strawberry farms. He gave me his card too, so I wrote him already about helping me to build my things too. Then I saw Heidi too, and she was bragging to someone else in class about what she was doing, going to Pasadena CA about a job offer.

Then I saw Dr. Palmer at the VA hospital and he had breakfast with Heidi to get her into the Rotary, but she never said a word about Pasadena to him. So it felt really weird. When I got home I realized that I never gave her a bunch of things or followed through with the indigo movie for her kids. So I wrote out a lot of stuff and gave her a hundred links. It feels like it’s too late for her, like she’s seen the dollar signs already and prestige feeling like a big shot now lost in Ego already. I told her how the EGO is all about greed and control. And everything about bureaucracy is designed to inflate the EGO.

It’s a sick perversion, a disease, a poison that pollutes us all. And I guess I’m only here to figure it out so I can cure it. So did Heidi pop in just to show me this or will she stick around longer? She’s been divorced once already. Does she need a few more, lost in greed and control before she will get the whole picture? I'm not sure, nothing for me to know about, I guess I just do what I know I can do. And that is all I can do. I’m not going to worry about it. I shared the truth, she can take it or leave it... lol... Bring a horse to water, but can’t make her drink...

Equan has been working with Scott all week. They sound like best buddies now. I’m thrilled. They invited me out to watch a movie with them tonight. So that’s cool. I’m happy to get out of this house and away from all the work I need to do, which I feel I’ve barely started.

What you are doing is more important than you will ever know. Remember you asked to change IT ALL NOW. You didn’t want to wait and you knew everyone was ready for it... or would learn as quickly as is necessary. So know this is true and DO IT, as you can and see before you. It’s all there just waiting for you...

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