Saturday, April 30, 2005

WOW.. . something new...Yahoo! Groups : USF-class

Yahoo! Groups : USF-class: "Recent Messages (View All) What's This?
Re: A MATTER OF TRUST FDA higher-ups 'muzzled' investigator
Daily Health News

Saturday, April 30, 2005
1:07:22 AM
Wow, very cool. Equan and Scott are like brothers with me, we all talk and relate at the same level. It was really cool. Then as I drove Equan home we talked about stuff too. I told him about seeing Christopher Monday and how really cool that whole experience was. We talked about the reality behind it all. And he understood very quickly seeing easily how it was all old news to me. He had some serious questions and got into the details too. I never heard it spoken so clearly before

What do you think you have to write Son? Get specific in these details here.

SO I had to explain what it was. How these animals (boogiemen) are created in our culture that makes all these rules only so people can break the rules. So rules create the force to evolve boogiemen who exploit the rules. Rules were only like walls and fences for animals in the pen. While people have reason and feelings so they should be personal and compassionate with each other. Not rules and crap, but real people. So the rules are everywhere and are exploited by everyone... and this boogieman (uncivilized animal) has just evolved to exploit the rules in a new way.

There will always be Rules, and rules will always be broken, that’s what evolution is all about. So as long as the rules exist they provide a way to exploit. So the boogieman is exploiting the most fundamental rules of love and marriage to abuse and exploit the most basic social resource ... our gifted inspired youth. It’s this dichotomy that make the evolution of life here on earth, positive–negative, good–bad, left–right, hot–cold, up–down... There will always be exploiters as long as rules exist, and then there will always be those who are ready to fight to fix these problems.

That was so cool. I said how I’d worked with him (Equan) for years, just helping him do what he was ready to do, since he was leading Christopher's Scout troop. Teaching sharing, learning, he really loved this chat too, smiling laughing pushing me on. He was growing and now he was ready to work with Scott. Just like at one time he was ready to know what was happening with Christopher and Emily. It is his life, and his choice. The Earth will always evolve around us now. We just do what we are meant to do by faith in Jesus Christ. Listen to His Word and trust our own given direction... “FAITH IN OUR CONVICTIONS” (like he repeats to me still) and we will find we can do and learn things, many things that are good and important.

What a good write up Son, that’s really nice.. now you need
to post it.


"you got the meaning of it all.... " 1:31:33 "Who Got The Meaning" by the Elms CMradio.Net The Best Mix

2:03:56 PM
Wow do I have a lot of work to do still. And I’m tired and sour. I can feel a lot of things coming together really quick which I’m happy about and even like. It feels like a lot is about to shift. I guess getting done with classes is nice, but it’s more important to get started on all these things I’ve got waiting for me.

Please Loving Lord Jesus Christ fill me with Your Strength and Wisdom to do all that you have defined before me for the Glory of God the Father Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Subject: Fwd: Changers Summer Camp - July 21-28

Howdy!!! ;-D so what's the plan man, for this summer...???

Not sure how the video ideas came out, but I figured a good way to get a battery and some cool tapes... lol.... I'll just come visit! You know it is that time of year again....

I guess the main reason I know is that miraculously, I've been contacted by 2 video people this week, asking what I do or like to do... wanting to hookup, help out, and/or work together...

Hum? So I thought, Maybe I should ask the Buddha what we can do?

Hope your world is grand!!! Flight is still going here... the vortex is getting tighter... lol... you'll love the stories... lol... maybe I'll bring someone with me???

So do you have a plan? I’ve been teaching a lot more, loving every minute... But I’m not sure what to do this summer? This week is finals for my Spring 05 MBA term, and I could take summer classes, or not!?!?!?! What do you think? Need a grip?? or a carpet camera??

Namaste Brothers
eric in TAMMMPPPAAA... ;-) lol...
PS. now you can laugh too:


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Hi, as you may already found I'm recent here.
    I will be glad to get some help at the beginning.
    Thanks in advance and good luck! :)

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM


    just registered and put on my todo list

    hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.

  3. Anonymous12:40 AM


    It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    pretty cool stuff here thank you!!!!!!!
