Sunday, April 10, 2005


Sunday, April 10, 2005
5:02:37 PM
WOOOOW... Hayley just left. She writes a lot too, does poems. Which really sounds like so much more than I do...

What are you talking about Son, you know exactly where you inspiration comes from and know exactly what to do about it. So many people have no clue. You are writing to teach people how easy it can be. Remember Kathy, she learned to write and talk with us in an afternoon. Like Hayley said today, so many things are coming together Son, No Fears, Just do it

lol… yes like today. Hayley arrived at about 2:30PM. I was cutting fruit up for us and my weekly fruit salad. So I gave her the DNA paper to read and went back to my fruit. She had One Correction that was very wonderful, saying the Judeo-Christian stuff kinda doesn’t fit, since it is really the “Love of Jesus Christ” that makes this all possible. I was really thrilled to hear that from her, more than even her just helping out with this stuff.

What does that mean?

You know it was great to know I was working with someone who really knew You, like I do! And doing my work for You is great, and it comes a lot easier when I can work with someone who understands. So I called her last night before I called Rima. I asked where she wanted to start and what she thought about all of this. She told me she wanted to go very slow and understand all the details.

Thank you So very Much Ms Hayley!!! I really can’t wait until our next chat... I read and write always, so email is very easy. I also like to break out from USF for Sushi and will tell you the time and date for the Indian Lunch downtown ASAP.

THANK YOU so very much, and I’m sure we’ll both have fun watching this all change and grow... I started to write as above, but the full posting will be up soon here: No Fear now, it is so Easy to share anything with you now... THANKS!!! And please join this when you are ready to post questions about the practice... I’m so glad to keep that separate from the USF deal. And know the more we do directly the better....

AND WOW, I’m THRILLED to create the USF deal with you!!! Let’s Just Do IT!!!

THANKS AGAIN, Like I Truly appreciate and Honor your Holiness which you carry so well!!!
PS. This was supposed to be an intro letter with the attachment you got printed today.... I should ask for real support and labs I guess???

7:14:42 PM
I had to write her again. I want to call her but she already stayed here later than she had planned. It was really neato... she knew or had heard about nearly everything that I shared with her. And I really shared a lot. I’ve never told anyone the details she’s gotten. I mean, not even Laura or Tim who witnessed some of the things I told her today. It was really neato. I mean she saw the meditation space and looked around at the books and artifacts everywhere. She seemed to really enjoy it too.... lol, she asked a bit about the kids too.

After a while we were both sitting in the circle and I started asking her about Yoga and body exercise. I told her to mirror me and we started doing little things. I could really feel her energy and she was very clear and strong.

Uh oh, forgot... I said how we were now it this sacred space and everything must be true and honest in perfect clarity here. She agreed. So I told her how since we met I was completely excited about sharing with a Goddess, and I could love her and get very close to her in a heart-beat. She repeated “Goddess” almost laughing, but certainly understood and respected what I meant. Like I’m on a Mission From God, and I can’t have anything ambiguous or unclear, especially in this circle. If we were to be lovers that’s fine, and I can’t wait; but for now, in this circle we are only in Spirit, and I can’t have this loose end floating about....

I told her we could do anything with this if she liked, and I was filled with anticipation. But I would NEVER cross that line without her help and initiation. I was very clear that the power and focus in Spirit had to come first, and I would always be centered and focused there.... NO MATTER what it looked like, or what I did... anything she felt, even from my Erotic Tantric Chant would always be only for Spirit and Truth... and nothing would be directed to intimacy with her until she crossed that bridge herself.

She liked how I said that. She never seemed concerned about it, and almost was flattered. She mentioned she was with someone and wanted to keep this with me all in Spirit too. She knew we had a lot to do and seemingly plans to get very serious about this research and learning all that I do. I was kinda flattered too with the respect and understanding she showed in the Spirit. Sure disappointed about exploring our chemistry together, but even more excited to have someone as clear and strong in the purpose of God as I am.

Wow, the energy shifted so much. We were both so much more relaxed and comfortable. So as we started to talk about Yoga and moving the energy of the Gods, it was so clear. I could feel and sense her complete understanding at every step. It was really kinda cool how smooth it went. I’ve never gone through it in so much detail and such. Like the “wings sweeping the Earth... and all the gamma radiation coming together;” I just NEVER said this out loud before. I mean, countless eons of light and such have hit the Earth since time began and we were mixing it with some alchemical mystical ritual that was just opening up to us more each moment of sharing in the Divinity there.

11:13:55 PM Really wow, I read this over a bunch of times, and have edited the DNA paper twice already... I also responded to a reply from Hayley already too. But know there is a lot else that I need to do.

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