Saturday, July 29, 2006

what is love?

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What are you feeling now?
I think I'm getting a clue now. I was remembering the bike ride home on the 4th again. And I knew I felt wonderful inside and I knew it was a choice to hope for or not. To accept and enjoy the feeling whether I was alone or not. And I feel that again now. Course I want to get on the phone or something to confirm it. But then I'm expecting some person to fill this place I feel inside. But I know that's a choice I need to make.

And if I know and accept this is a love and fulfillment that YOU give me. Then I can stop searching and wanting for someone else to fill it.
What did you feel before you wrote? What was the truth you found?
I realized how when I am excited and anticipating someone, I use that to inspire myself. Like I noticed last week I was excited to do engineering work again. Not that I needed the money or anything, but just the idea of providing for someone, or dreaming about it, was enough to get the energy moving again. So as I sat here trying to work now. I thought, oh I can go bike or play "AFTER I WORK" so I could get inspired and excited to get this job done now.

But then I realized I was trying to use someone else to inspire me. While I could be using You. I know the whole trip here is "Heaven on Earth" and loving anyone is really loving You or some aspect of You that we find in someone else. So I really need to get conscious of this fundamental truth. Love is just energy moving. And If I move it for YOU that's better still. I mean it's easy to love someone we can touch and feel. But to Love someone out of reach or Divine . . . is more of a struggle, a challenge . . . . Simply requires a stronger love.
What do you think you are there for? This is what every thing is about for you. When you get clear on this then the love will flow freely again. You need to drop the expectations, the desires, and all that material carnal crap and simply love all that is. Flow with it and get free.
I know. Why do you always make it sound so easy.
Because it IS!
I knew you would say that. . . . But you know just creating it in the imagination makes it so much easier . . . . I guess that's too easy? I mean, creating a dream makes an expectation . . . While we brush away the butterfly that is present now. So I can always love anyone. And I've been afraid of that since I let people in that are selfish and dangerous . . .
What this is for is learning about boundaries, not cutting it off. Simply brush their dust from your sandals and move on. Don't close off to everyone and build up walls around you. There is a big difference there. One is Loving, and the other is not.
I know, so I've been through a lot and allowed too much.
What you are thinking about now as "too much" with Rachel, saved her life. She was a warehouse grunt, and now she's becoming a nurse, loving others and saving lives. Even Cathy who you feel used you, went from a dangerous junker car in a hateful space full of gossip and deception to a peaceful job, a new car and attending church a few times a week. Son you judge these things from your own selfish perspective and miss the important aspects completely. All people you meet are blessed, no matter what you think about it. And if you could love and let love, you might find that peace and joy a lot easier. . .
Ugh, I know, but do you have to rub my face in it?

What are you talking about. We simply told you this time. No bat, or holes in your walls or anything else. Boundaries are important. You can not love and respect anyone else if you allow them to walk all over you and you ignore the love and respect for yourself. REMEMBER to Love God with all your Heart and Soul and to Love your neighbor as yourself . . . . YOU ARE the Temple to God. Loving God is about Loving Yourself. NOT selfishness and greed, but LOVE and Respect. You need to know your place and your limits. So loving your neighbor needs to fit into those same limits.

One is not possible without the other. As you are finding now, they really grow from each other. As you want and desire for another you find this love you want to share. But you know it's Your OWN, and needs to be clear for yourself long before it will be any use to anyone else . . . . That means no conditions. Not some one, some smile, some single dream you defined for yourself. Limits are fine and boundaries are important but accepting each new butterfly that comes along need not mean living in their cocoon. Love YOURSELF first! If you love cocoons then fine, but if you belong in a house by the river, in Tampa, so You can build countless improvements to the infrastructure for people to live more easily . . . . Then recognize the cocoon, honor what it is for them, and accept and make clear that it's simply not for you. . . Respect them as well as respecting yourself . . . Not compromising one for the other but loving both equally.

Why do you make it sound so easy . . . I know, I know. . .

What this is about has been evolving here forever. You are getting closer and closer as you are able to bring these words to everyone as you feel them. The Mayan priests had to bring all the people together and yell and inspire with symbols and rituals that often attendees could not even understand. New knowledge was cut into stones and treasured while countless others continued to suffer through their own foolishness and blind habits. Habits are learned like the animals, that walk the same path to the river each day. When the truth is discovered that the hunter watches the same paths the animal must learn again and break the old habits or die.

Everyone blindly walks the paths for the hunters, very few are able to see this and even fewer are able to speak to them and warn them. At least now the words bounce through fiber around the world a few times where everyone can catch them. Thou so few listen and even fewer help others to see their blind steps into the hunters traps.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Please fill me with Your Love, Truth and Strength so I may Fulfill as You have here for me. Help me to heed Your Words and share Your Love all the time in everything I do and say . . . All for the Glory of Father, Son and Holy Ghosts. Amen.
I Love You Dear Jesus Christ. THANK YOU!!!!

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