Wednesday, September 27, 2006

8:33:27 AM

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What's up?

Last night Trace invited me over for dinner with his father. All the way out there and back I went through Carrollwood, so I kept feeling and wondering about Lyn. I wanted to call and knock on her door, but I know she’s focused and busy; and if I keep distracting her I’ll become a nuisance instead of a friend and lover like I want to be.

When I got home I had an email from her, short and sweet, very professional and polite. I prayed and sent her light as I fell asleep savoring the power she left inside of me . . .

It’s funny now as I think about this, after I Chanted Sunday night I realized I had some serious power from her inside of me. Then I coughed? It felt like a flu or cold catching in my throat? That was weird. But I knew I absorbed a lot from her already. I could feel her vibrations throughout my lungs and melding with me deep inside. So I jumped up again and savored the Red Tantra, wanting to keep all I could that she had given to me. I could feel it break up in my throat and I swallowed again to absorb what was left. Then I jumped up again and savored more Red Tantra. Never felt that before.

It’s kinda weird how these things come through to me. Like two people have never connected and shared as much as we did in one day here on Earth. I guess there was never the technology to share so much so fast. I mean, I could never say and explain in a week, month or year as much as she read Sunday night. She really had climbed right into my head and got to know me from the inside out. She knows my complete history now. Even soaking up my essence through the Tantra as well. Course the Red Tantra aspects were never discussed! But those came to me late at night.

Hum, I read her note before bed last night, and had these very powerful dreams. Several that came and went as I moved a bit this morning. I grabbed my pad, but since I moved they mixed up a bit and I never wrote anything.

Hello Eric,

Thank you for spending time with me on Sunday and thank you for dinner! Sushi was Awesome!

I do have a lot on my plate at work and I am continuing to research the Naturopathic Schools, which is keeping me busy and focused.

I am glad to hear your meeting with the Yoga Teacher went well. I know that you will make a difference!

Thanks for the offer to assist me with anything on the PC. I may take you up on that some day.



Of course the White Tantra aspects we shared were as old as time itself. So I feel like we are already one with each other, or building something very strong. Like she will find me as soon as she can, knowing I could never leave her. It’s really almost funny as I feel it. When I called her the next Monday night I told her I had to see her again before she left. . . I wanted to get a picture of her or of us together. Not that I “need” proof that it was real, but that seeing the picture would fill me with the feelings and power every time. But then I noticed the pictures I took of DJ.

Every Sunday morning I get there early and set up my video camera. John came in with me too, so we set it up differently. Then I snapped a few pictures of Rev DJ to make sure she likes how it’s setup. Well this Sunday Lyn was there talking with DJ at the same time. So all the pictures I have of DJ have Lyn in there too. Course I zoomed into her and cut one out that’s now the background on my laptop!

I’m so silly. Like I try not to let my heart desire her so much. Or press her so much. But it’s just what I feel. Clear and strong. Sure and pure. It’s wonderful what we did and shared. I can tell she knows all about me. Like she’s dreamed and created me already in her own fantasies. It is something endless and timeless that we will always savor and never escape. Funny when I think about my last dreams of a lover, I realized that I did the same thing she did. Everything I ever needed or wanted was there before my eyes exploring and understanding me!

I can really Love You Lyn! You are some really Awesome Brilliant BABE!!! And I can’t wait to cut loose and just play in total bliss! Hope you wake up and catch me before someone else does!

THANK YOU Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ, Please Lead and Guide US to grow and share in Your Love and Light fulfilling Heaven On Earth for the Glory of Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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