Sunday, May 13, 2007


Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

I know I need to start writing more and get busy on several research projects I've started. I've read countless articles, books and such on the same subject over and over again. It's like everything I read is saying the same thing to me . . . or maybe I only see the same things . . . so then I wonder what is the point in me writing it again if it's already been published?
What you feel and know about a lot of these things might be published at certain levels but nothing is as clear on the big picture. People learning to get clear and avoid the greed of the ego is not the full story. . . as your reading has indicated.
I know, so recognizing the lost culture in the ego is only half the story. And teaching people to think and feel beyond the greed and selfishness of the ego is critical . . . but it is really only critical as a place to start. People who grow beyond the short-sighted insecure ego are more able to see and understand their own truth and purpose beyond.
What you are getting at is the level of truth critical to the changes before you. As you recognize your power and influence on others - - - seeing the energies flow - - - you are also ready to express and define how much people lost in the ego are also creating. The power and energy flows are always there and real if they are conscious of it or not. Teaching and leading into truth is critical, recount your conversation with Equan.
I was expressing to Equan how clear and powerful things were for us. We were set in the truth and this power made things clear for us over and over again, like "Faith in our Convictions" would be shown true over and over again. . . not only since we were clear and positive about it and making it part or our experience . . . but vibrating at that level would always bring more to us similarly.
What about the point with Equan?
I know it really came down to recognizing there was also the opposite. All this Earth is the dance between the extremes, the Light and the dark, where one is really meaningless without the comparison to the other. So in effect I was telling him how he needed to know that being so clear and strong at this positive vibration only implied there existed those at the opposite pole. Which I know is the whole point here. Getting away from the ego is only half the fight; we also need to stop or reclaim all the crap the ego has created to perpetuate itself. I guess I made it clear to Equan that just as we are clear about the power we attract in the positive. . . there exists creatures that have evolved to live and consume the negative. I occasionally will get some eerie feeling or fear even when just recognizing the negative energy or thought forms. I even indulge worries and fears on occasion . . . but then I realize this is only a lost or insecure aspect that I need to bring back into the Light where it easily dissolves. This can be a challenge as the culture is full of great big graphic images of evil that can easily be associated with the eerie thought forms. I remember once with a Wicca Priestess she witnessed this large energy form which I "feared" or simply avoided . . . being of the Light means anything I encounter can be brought back to the Light. . . which I did! But I guess it was surprising to see how powerful things can get.
What this is all about is that many people recognize the greed and ego in the moment thinking its ok in work or this circumstance since it is not truly who they are and the culture of work requires this. . . . "nothing personal just the job" - - However when people put into that they are adding more darkness to the world where others feed off of it creating greater harm for everyone. This is why the purity of the little child is so critical. It is a constant purity not just at home or school or work. As we've told you more and more energy and power is coming through for everyone. We need to keep the clarity and purity strong. It's certainly wonderful for those who do so for themselves, but getting it clear and strong for everyone is critical too.
I know. So I need to get busy about the relationships and issues where people effect each other. I guess that's why I'm in business now. Developing sustainability principles for leadership is all about recognizing we are energy and that we consume and share energies that really affect everyone and everything. . . . both positively and negatively . . . Hum like the butterfly effect where the flapping wings in one part of the world is enough to start the hurricane in another part of the world. That one act of greed and deception by a normally honest and righteous person might be enough to tip the scales to create another 911 catastrophe!!! course that whole scene was "nothing personal, but just the job"
What is critical now is knowing how important it is for you to stay focused and clear on your tasks at hand and not allow any more crap to distract or confuse you.
I get it. I was feeling that more too. I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Equan this is here for you to POST to your people!
