Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Learn, grow, succeed.... nothing else I ever do!!!!

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Today's Outlook for Wednesday May 09, 2007
Obstacles appear as the Sun squares authoritative Saturn, requiring us to slow down or stop, but detours may be our own doing. We must overcome our fears, for they can manifest as external problems today. The intelligent Aquarius Moon gives us the information we need to know, but not necessarily the wisdom to apply it. Taking a leap of faith may be the answer, for we are already feeling tomorrow's square between risky Uranus and confident Jupiter.
I always seem to get the SAME daily cards. . . Star, Sun, Empress, Emperor, Lovers, Strength . . . then Hanged Man or Hierophant maybe once for Justice, Magician, Devil anf Hermit. . . the Lovers, Strength and Star are the most common of course!!!
TUT... A Note from the Universe
Two of the most powerful words in the English language for bringing about change, Eric, are "thank you." Especially when offered before the change even happens and everything still looks pretty much like it did yesterday.

You'll have to think of something to say afterwards on your own.

Hubba, hubba,
The Universe

"Happy Hour" is not a word, Eric.
I know it's Mothers Day . . . for me at least. My Mom's birthday is today, so I always celebrate it now. Ok, well my first mom is on the other side now, "watching my children" but my second mom is still here. Living in NJ still... I Love You Joyce, Thanks for Being!!!! sooo:
Dear Eric,

This Mother's Day, even the planets themselves are aligning to honor the feminine principle. In a fitting tribute, Venus is in the nurturing sign of Cancer as Mother's Day weekend approaches. Master astrologer Jeff Jawer says, "A better understanding of the importance of family and relatives will bring you closer to home and heart. Find ways to show your mother how important she is."

We love any chance to honor feminine power at! This Mother's Day we're going all out -- celebrating the many faces of goddess energy and motherly wisdom ... profoundly influential forces that have shaped us all.

Since Tarot is also associated with the feminine, giving yourself a Tarot reading is a great way to reconnect with your "wise woman" power ... whether you're a woman, man, mother or child. This year, in honor of Mom's special day, we want you to enjoy a queen-sized Celtic Cross reading, so we are giving you one completely FREE!

This Tarot Reading was printed from
Expert Tarot Celtic Cross
Your Question: What can I do about my personal progress and changes
May 9, 2007
Your Spread
Higher Power
Recent Past
Challenges/ Opportunities
Near Future
Long-term Potential
Blocks & Inhibitions

Your Interpretations

Self: Knight of Coins


Cultivate your investments using good timing and skillful management; protect your interests.

The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.

The Knight of Coins (in some decks, The Prince) in this position portrays you as someone who is responsible, patient, and of practical service. You realize that with right timing and proper attention, wise investments multiply, like a field which has been cultivated.

This does not have to do with greed or even the profit motive as we think of it now. Your contribution is like that of the farmer who sows a field of grain for the sake of the entire community. Your service does not stop there, however. The crop must be allowed to grow unmolested by predators or thieves. That's another reason we need to summon forth the stalwart character inside of us who can be trusted to protect and defend the community and its harvest. This card implies generous service of all types.

Situation: Ace of Cups


This is a charmed moment in your life. Let yourself appreciate its sweetness.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

The Ace of Cups in this position shows that you have discovered an environment permeated with kindness, well-being and support. There is a feeling of abundance in the air.

These are circumstances in which everyone is capable of looking after each other in a kind and careful way. Although this situation may be astonishing compared to what you are used to, embrace it and allow it to nurture you. This is a sweet, nourishing, lovely environment. Relax and enjoy it while it prevails.

Challenges/ Opportunities: Three of Coins


Manifest excellence and leadership at the same time you respect the accomplishments of others.

The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

The Three of Coins in this position reveals an opportunity to find a way to showcase your unique talents and gifts. If you can do this without stimulating envy or competition, your ability to achieve greatness will be enhanced.

Your challenge is to manifest excellence and leadership, at the same time respecting the accomplishments of others who are working toward common goals. Mutual respect encourages all to perform to their highest ability.

Foundation: The Tower


There is nothing so chaotic or overwhelming that you can't recover.

The card in the Foundation position points to influences from your personal history, your roots and background.

The Tower in this position suggests that you have experienced a direct hit in this lifetime. Now it holds no terror for you; you know you can handle intense energy and sudden changes. Your resilience has been proven; you know how to pull yourself together after an explosion.

The knowledge that you can hold up under duress gives you courage and optimism. Now you can serve as a guide or support for others who are less confident or experienced.

Recent Past: Five of Cups


Having lost something dear to you, it has taken time to mend your heart and be able to count your blessings.

The card in the Recent Past position refers to events that are just departing, recently influential but now diminishing in power.

When the Five of Cups comes up in this position, you have just watched something you held dear be snatched away from you. It seems like a total waste. This is a painful experience, but the worst of it, the sharpest pain, is over now. Falling in this position means this card is waning in influence. As difficult, traumatic or disappointing as this has been, the worst is already past. Now you can begin to concentrate on the remaining two cups, which symbolize that which was preserved, and cultivate their potential.

Higher Power: Seven of Cups


There are good choices and then there is a best choice. Which will your conscience lead you to?

The card in the Higher Power position reflects the broader perspective and influence of your conscience, Guardian Angel, inner wisdom.

When the Seven of Cups comes up in this position, you have a spread of options that are testing you. Can you really choose the best for all concerned, or are you going to fall back on short-term gratification? Be assured there is no wrong choice, but there is a spectrum of better and better choices that culminates in the very best choice.

Your Higher Power would like to see if you have learned enough in your spiritual, intellectual and emotional growth to be able to freely make the best choice without coercion, based on what your heart knows to be true. There is no way to fail this test, but there are ways to pass it with flying colors. Follow your conscience and, relatively speaking, you can do no wrong.

Near Future: Queen of Coins


Be prudent. Concentrate on what is most realistic and practical when it comes to your immediate prospects.

The card in the Near Future position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.

With the Queen of Coins in this position, you will soon have a chance to test your dream against reality. The effort and time you have invested in some enterprise or relationship is about to bear magnificent fruit.

We shall see how sensibly you behave when there are no external limits on where you spend your energy, talents and money. To maximize what is good about the Queen of Coins, you should focus on what is practical and sensible. Invest your energy and resources wisely. Otherwise her more exuberant side could take over and your gains will degenerate into one long, expensive party.

Blocks & Inhibitions: King of Wands


Defend your confidence and optimism from negative self talk and critical thoughts.

The card in the Blocks position points to self-undermining tendencies, areas where you could be in denial, where you could get stuck -- unless you examine yourself and make some corrections.

When the King of Wands falls in this position, internalized authority figures are bound and determined to diminish a performance, demean you and create insecurity about accomplishments. Under the circumstances, when you become aware of those sabotaging monologues, turn down the volume or refuse to listen.

Determination followed by action is needed, not emotional dawdling. Being decisive may feel unfamiliar at first, but action itself can be the cure for too much thinking. Failure to act when action is called for is definitely detrimental.

Allies: Strength


Seek a mentor or ally who embodies the state of harmony you long for.

The card in the Allies position points to people who can be supportive or helpful to you at this time.

The Strength card suggests that your natural instincts and your civilized self are ceasing their conflict with each other. Skills you absorb from more developed souls are starting to stabilize you, and your own self-cultivation continues to strengthen your conviction that you are on the right path. Now your energy can be redirected toward enthusiasm, getting ahead in your chosen projects, and finding highly charged, charismatic, productive people to be your allies. You are ready to move beyond fight-or-flight situations with the help of suitable allies.

Advice: Three of Swords


It might be healthier to disentangle yourself and start fresh.

The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.

The Three of Swords in this position advises you to strike out on your own. Become more independent. Separate yourself from people and forces you do not feel compatible with. Grow a thicker skin.

Use your creativity and imagination and seek out situations where the way you see things makes sense to those around you. Move towards those who can embrace and appreciate your talents and all you have to contribute.

Long-term Potential: Seven of Wands


Cast away perceived limits. Apply what you have learned and be self-disciplined.

The card in the Long-term Potential position points to unknowns still taking shape. It is the "wild card" yet to be played.

With the Seven of Wands in this position, you can make a few proactive moves right now to go beyond your current situation and hasten your rise to the top. Don't allow perceived limits to hem you in -- let them inspire you as a challenge and the situation may become a launching pad for your greater dreams.

Concentrate on strengthening yourself for what lies ahead and test yourself against bigger and bigger challenges. Faithful training and self-discipline assure your victory.

Wow I better get busy!!!
Thank YOU Dear Jesus!!!!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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