Tuesday, March 16, 2021

another hypnoses

I am doing another hypnoses class again, and this time when I went back into my past, it was before so many other aspects I’ve written about before. This time, I saw the time my mom was stressed home alone, pregnant with me. She was really strong and clear, as she likely knew it was coming!

Then we went deeper, back further and I was on the Viking ship again. This was weird as I was in a different roll than last time. I was a kid this time on the ship. There again playing by my own rules, and I was getting in trouble. My mother was there too, always pushing for more equality for woman!

I was then taken back further, and found I was back in the mud again, as one of the first sparks of life here on Earth. This was weird, because it really felt like it was a race or challenge with many others. It was like trying to make the next evolutionary step before everyone else. Really weird, like I was trying to be the first one to stand-up, so I could eat all the others before they ate me. Maybe I was an alien from another planet sent here to be whatever was next here . . . Kinda weird, but I’ve gotten similar messages before:  http://www.starsusa.org/american_youth/1.3/who%20am%20i/index.html
I was really surprised with this impression and feeling . . . . It was crystal clear that I’m in the right place at the right time, because I get to do whatever I’m supposed to do. Like right now, I’m actually dressed-up like a gangster now as I come into a restored “flapper club” to sit in a corner and write this now, it is just incredible.  Then I’ve got the whole place to myself and I don’t know what to do, I’m just dumbfounded….

I realized, I seemed to be in high school again... I am dressed like a gangster and racing around the city on my bike, like I own the place. I remember working with Amird now and how he was able to read the cycles of my past experiences like I see now. So again, I'm the gangster street kid racing around, breaking all the rules again, like I have over and over again in my Life. 

Now why do I keep coming back here?

I now remember getting into middle school, where I started to sell candy in the hallways. This is weird, but now writing this word, I remember the principal of the school was my PE teacher from first grade. Everyone back in elementary school essentially got out of my way, as dealing with my chaos meant nothing else got done in the class. It was like the very first day when I walked into the middle school ... And I remember seeing my old PE teacher by the door in a suit. After saying hi, he asked me into his office. I must have seen his name on the wall or desk saying “principal”, because I asked him what I did wrong already. Teachers really couldn't do anything with me, so I was always sent to the principals office. I remember him saying how he now had two elementary schools full of children in this one school, and he didn’t want me in his office all the time.

It was really weird, as I remember now. I was picked-on all the time, so often I would be in there to avoid a fight. Now again, I see and realize I'm the privileged kid playing the gangster hiding and sneaking around so no sees me or hits me. And my Middle School principal makes a deal with me to keep me safe or keep me out of trouble . . . Wow, this is bringing tears to my eyes now. Like maybe I felt I would have a normal life . . . Naa forget that!

Now, the gangster kid again . . . so maybe this is about being safe and confident to be me and not just trying to make a fast buck again. I know I have beaten the American Machine hundreds of times now. Like selling candy in Middle School. Making money and being controlled by greed is not necessary or was really never necessary. Now I’m perplexed how these memories and experiences morph into some new deep knowledge that need.

Back here again, to avoid the greed and control, or evolve into something new.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
We have always so much more for you. Trusting what is has always been your game, “ready to move forward” has always been your greatest power. You have always been so strong into the unknown. You just trust so strong and move with ease, “trusting what is” has always been your secret weapon. Fearlessly you walk and continue into the unknown.
I Know, this is really about taking my place of power and knowledge to help lead and guide everyone onto whatever is next for us! I also get the sense that so much is collapsing all around us.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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