Tuesday, September 10, 2024

and and that came to mind

Wow, another strong dream.
As I was waking up, I was in a hotel I think and Maryanne was anxious to jump my bones again and she wanted I’m OK she wanted to have sex. Of course I was what we did all the time she had given me all these free passes for something I mean, it feels like like it was Trip somewhere in and it was funny because she she met me Was like oh that’s what it’s funny because you know I try to remember as much as I can whenever I have a dream just so I can ride it now and as the alarm went off, I was like time to do Exodus and and that came to mind and and I was like oh Maryanne leave me alone. It was just funny because Ivy usually it’s like oh we just finished. What do you mean you wanna have more sex? I was just something that that happened all the time and it was funny because we walked across the street together and she was taking me somewhere and and evidently I came to visit her or I just gotten out of a train or out of a taxi or out of something and she met me you know downstairs it was like walking into the venue you know with the taxi cabs and all the the people somewhere. I wonder what city it was. It’s interesting because I remember getting up to the top to the top floor with her and getting all elevator and seeing out the big windows that were right in front of us Out of the ocean or over the bay or whatever was right there in front of us and she said she had to get something she had to go somewhere. She was like you sold the tickets you need or passes or dinner or whatever I know whatever she gave me and And and I sat down at this table or right around the corner from the elevator I mean it was like this. It was like right there at the lobby suite overlooking all this was kind of neat because the windows went all the way around and there was somebody else sitting at the table there a little round table. I guess it wasn’t little I mean, it was a regular 6‘4 foot and I sat down and she went off somewhere and I remember watching looking down the hallway where she was going to listen to another table and something else and it was just so the whole thing was like a matter fact, I could be in before I knew everything she was like my tour guide or something or coming with me or just wanted to have sex and it was just you know here we go again you know I don’t know if that was just because I was with her again we were and it was funny because She was such a beautiful woman and and I just remember her voice and remember you know her pulling me along and taking care of me and I don’t remember looking at a red. I don’t remember seeing her. I just remember being next to her. I remember her voice and remember her you know OK come up the stairs OK we gotta go through the lobby. OK the elevator OK now we’re here and now wow is a beautiful yeah yeah here I’ll be right back and that was it And it’s funny though that’s all I remember and I wonder you know what it was. It was beautiful though of course just being Maryanne was beautiful another day here we go gotta get moving. 

Grace, I get out at all this now and I wonder how well it worked

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of  Your Word!
What but writing something important for a change
I know it’s Your Word! I really been praying a lot more specifically asking for your guidance and direction in everything I do. I asked for your strength and wisdom around my family, my friends and fraternity city and neighborhood. I’ve noticed significant changes everywhere.
What Do you mean get more specific?
I love your Word! I guess in the last week I’m helped the youth minister at our church. And in random conversation, I asked him about doing Woodland Presbyterian community Garden. And he was interested and wanted to talk about it more. Then of course I was doing landscaping for Julian and the man who delivered the stone Told me he was farming in his backyard with a bunch of tropical fruit and chickens. I asked him if he started propagating any of the fruit and he asked if I could teach him how to do that.

So today I went to get the last Half yard of gravel to finish Julian‘s job and Jonathan was there and we talked about his gardens. He specifically said he wanted to get his sons involved 11 and 15 and I mentioned Andy and youth group. It was like magic how it felt together.

I climbed in my truck and Johnny P call me on the phone. I recognize his last name on the phone and her first name was Kris. So it like ringing through to me at several levels. Was delighted to chat with her, but she hadn’t heard from Johnny in months. I told her the last time I heard from him was when he had dinner at my house. So I sent her the picture that I could find and she was so happy happy. She was terrified that he gotten lost again and was suicidal suicidal 

She broke down into tears on the phone a few times. Even got me crying when I admitted how much he had done for me and how anxious I was to help her.. Then on top of it all, I had an email from the Dean at St Pete College saying I just needed Lynn to assign me a class.

Of course kevin had helped me write a letter to the dean. So I was able to talk to him about my next steps. We recommended that I just talked a little on the phone. Wow that was easy. So I talked to Lynn on the phone and that was beautiful. And I talked to the Jehovah’s Witness on the phone and it sounded like Johnny was fine. And I called my son Christopher, and we talked for a while on the phone too. 

Of course his mother called an interrupted us. She lost both her parents in the last year so I knew they needed to talk and dropped off the phone really quick. I have to call Emily now because she lost her grandparents. Good riddance.

I hate to say that, but I don’t see them connected to Crist at all.
We don’t either!
I love  Your Word! I mean, they both were drinkers and smokers and thought they were in charge of everything. Well, in fact, we’re all just fruit on the vine growing love. They love themselves and love their bad habits so that’s all they have left now.
What Does this make you feel now?
I I really just feel pity, For these people that never listen and they to know everything! I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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