Tuesday, September 24, 2024

powerful day to then I added a zero

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Yes I love your surprise visits: https://www.intouch.org/listen/radio/gods-surprise-visits-part-2
What have you been working on 
I guess it's all about your Word! I know that is nothing new, but I get a sense about more than ever. Each day I've been getting more focused with my prayers. I know it is all about "contemplative prayer" where I get this constant sense of conversation, discussion and exploration of what is before me and what I must prioritize for myself and my community. It's really about the direct experience of joy and peace that i know and share more each day. I always think that it is someone new in my space or my life that will help me to be who I really am.
What Sense of the Word came through today with your new guest Heysus. What was the real change and joy you had today?
I recognized that he understood and shared deeper insights about God and life that really resonated with my own understanding and knowledge. !
What was it that he said. 
He spoke about how the light and love of Jesus Christ flowed to is from the Sun and equally now from the Eucharist. Saying how God started it all with saying "let there Be Light." So God started it all with creating the SON! Where that first spark and first light, where all creation came from was with Jesus Christ and LIGHT!
What is so surprising about this. You have known this and repeated it over and over to people. 
I know only by your Word! And sharing and experiencing my joy in connection with others who understand is just remarkable. I always feel so blessed to hear someone explaining to me something that I've struggled to teach people. It's just wonderful, like maybe people are finally ready to learn and share the blessings that I can offer to them. Wow that was neat to feel it all fall into place.
What happened now?
I went into my airBnB experience and noticed it was set at $150/person . . . And so added Friday and Saturday events for the next few weeks. And then decided to increase it to $250 for another 5 or 6 weeks. This put me onto 12/21/2024 and I knew that was a powerful day to then I added a zero to the $/person. And extended that for the seven days of Christmas.

What popped into your head when you wrote this!   
I remembered the weekend with Carol. Wow
What else?
I sent this to Leslie who asked if I was ready for all this. . . 

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom for me to fulfill the Glory of Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

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