Monday, September 02, 2024

that I might join you

I had a very powerful dream again.
It’s very specific and very Clear and Vivid. 

I was in this big old castle right along the water. I had caught an osprey and I had him on this rope, where he would fly around and I could pull him back home. I was right in the middle of showing him to somebody and he landed in the water. I was thinking good he got some breakfast or something. 

But instead, he was breakfast for something else. So now when I pulled in the rope, I pulled in this big sea dragon. Yes, now I caught this big long sea dragon. Finally, I pulled it in enough to chop the head off. And then pulled in this big long dragon and laid it out on the ground. 

It was very weird because it was so specific and detailed. For some reason, I ended up with three or four more of them right there underneath the deck. They were all pissed off that I’ve got one. It was almost like I have one on the deck and three or four more under the deck wanting to stay close to the one I had.

It’s kind of weird as I had all these people helping me. It seemed like some boarders in my space again, ready to help me out. 

So yesterday I sat and did my schoolwork and then testing, and then all this bs on my iPad Pro, no Luck with the iPads yet. So I decided to watch a movie and open the FORMED app from Church. There on the top with the story of Saint Augustine.

So watch the movie about Saint Augustine of Hippo, where he was in this big castle. And so i figured that was how I got this castle thing in my head. He never was fighting or killing people so I never saw anything about fighting dragons. Nothing about dragons at all, of course. So I guess the dragon was something else. And now as I awake, I do the Exodus app with the reading for Saint Michaels Lent including this:

Dragons are real; we just can’t see them with our eyes. We find the dragon present already at the beginning, making war upon humanity as its way of getting revenge on God, attempting to foil his plan for creation. The serpent-dragon attacks Eve and makes war on the woman and her offspring in the Book Revelation. This ongoing war represents the real drama of human history, as the woman and dragon continue to struggle to pull God’s children one way or the other, toward the protective care of the Church or into the mouth of hell.

The good news is that we are not helpless victims. Raphael spurs Tobias on to lay claim to God’s plan for him, letting go of the fear that would allow the enemy to triumph. Likewise, we cannot be deterred by the dragon or afraid of his sting. If, and this is an important if, we are heading into battle in obedience to God in order to follow his will, he will empower us to win the victory. Don’t back down from the fight! But, at the same time, make sure you are staying faithful and keeping close to God, the one who gives us victory over the enemy’s snares.

Where are dragons hiding in your life and in your family? It’s time to root them out. Don’t allow them to get comfortable and claim false authority over our lives. They nurture our wounds, encouraging us to feel like helpless victims who blame others and grow in resentment without doing anything about it. The demons sow division, making us turn against others because of the traits that make them difficult to be around. We can always find excuses to accuse others and blame them for problems, but that does not actually lead us in the right direction. Christian charity urges us to forgive, have difficult conversations, bear with others patiently, and rely on God when others continue to treat us badly. Let’s not make excuses or allow difficulties to hold us back from doing what is right and helping those in need.

Pray today about how you can fight the dragon and follow God’s plan more faithfully in your life. Cut off the devil’s plan to drive a wedge between you and your loved ones, turning to God and his grace to guide you through difficulties. Take action to repair damage in your relationships and to work for healing.

I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, it's great to see something so powerful coming to me in my dreams. The Saint Michaels Lent reading was powerful about beating the Dragons… and yesterday was to honor Saint Augustine who beat his dragons as shown in the Formed Movie about his life… his Mother Saint Monica is also honored in the Fall 3024 Gulf Coast Catholic magazine that I read with breakfast this same morning, page 8 had this prayer:

Dear Saint Monica,

You were once the mournful mother of a prodigal son. Your faithfulness to prayer brought you and your son so close to God that you are now with him in eternity. By your intercession and God's grace, your son St. Augustine became a great and venerable Saint of the Church. Please take my request to God with the same fervor and persistence with which you prayed for your own son. With your needs, worries and anxieties, you threw yourself on the mercy and providence of God. Through sorrow and pain, you constantly devoted yourself to God. Pray for me, that I might join you in such a deep faith in God's goodness and mercy. Above all, dear Saint Monica, pray for me, that I may, like your son, turn from my sin and become a great saint for the glory of God.


It is all too much coming to me at once. I was a prodigal son, though I've been back with Jesus for years now, or so I thought! Check out Haven Earth Village in Tennessee. I know people who have bought a large track of land, and are building yurts, growing food, raising animals, etc. The site is or

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your WORD! I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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