Yes, chanting “I love You Lord Jesus, Thank You Lord Jesus.”
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!What a perfect way to start your day. You are listening very well, and following this moment. God can Direct your steps, as so much is beyond your knowledge and experience.
I get this Word from You! YOU Got me typing early today. This last weekend, I finally started cleaning up after the three hurricanes, or two Hurricanes and a tropical storm Debbie, Helene, and Michel. I started in the front wanting to setup my “free table,” to put plants and produce on. So I had to move dirt and mulch and all sorts. I had dug a trench along the sidewalk for one of those big tree logs. I actually have three now, where I got the last one from across the street here, but only a stump in front. When I was cleaning up I went down the street and picked up the big stump to put in the corner with my address on it. As crazy as it is, I had new numbers for my house since Larry painted my porch. I was able to put the old numbers he took down back up. So the new numbers fit great on my new log out front now. I still have to paint the street name of something else there too. What we have been preparing for you is certainly going to surprise you. It’s been a long time coming, but you will be very surprised about how it has All comes together, as you are listening to Jonathan Roomie talking about being the Garden in sorrow, knowing what Judas had done.
Yes I got a notice about the Season 5 Trailer out for the Chosen Series. WOW, and another interview opened up on YouTube after where Jonathan was filming the establishment of the Eucharist. Then after a week filming the Last Supper, he had to speak at the Conference of the Eucharistic Revival. . . Seeing his filming schedule in March, when he’s speaking schedule was right after the filming. . . . WOW, Knowing how God Designs and Plans everything for sharing His Word! Jonathan was speaking about getting to the rehearsal and seeing the wonder of God, “if your eyes are open and ears are attentive,” you can serve too, and he’s even started selling his own t-shirt worn to the conference: “If it’s a symbol the hell with it” . . . for the t-shirt.What have you been feeling now that you are getting focused for your HolyDay with us.
I love Your Word! To get clearer with my focus on You. Now again I am listening to this speech he did at the Revival, “the TV Jesus talking about the Real Jesus.๐” And I got up this morning as the sun was breaking the horizon. When I looked at my iPhone the weather app showed the sun would be up in a minute. I could hear the rain outside, and wanted to see what was happening. Yes, I know this is my holiday to be Thankful with Jesus and my new church community. “Who ever drinks my blood and eats my flesh will have me inside them to live forever.”
What about your focus for today, Our Holy Day we have to share together.I know, I never finished where you had me started. And Hearing the Word always catches my attention! Like no food today. I’m going to fast until the Eucharist tomorrow at church. And I’ve got a turkey to make tomorrow too. So this morning I got my iPad, and MacBook ready to write, grade school work, and whatever else I need to do here. Oh and cleaning up I’m sure, because I know You want me on my Mac Pro upstairs in my office sooner or later . . . . part of the process before me . . .
What about this HOLY Time you are anticipating.I know only tea and coffee to honor Your Word! Cleaning up is going all through the house and upstairs to clean the www next. And so it’s all a process and a blessing taking each step of the way clearly and slowly.
What about now? Witness a profound moment of faith and traditions, Abraham raising his knife to Issac; Jehovah Jira, to Trust God the Love Provides our needs . . . His provision wont look like we expect. Praise the Father Praise the Son King of Kings with Hillsong Worship.I know stop to find my pipe again, as your Word is even coming through to me in the Exodus Extras! As I wrote this I FLASHED back to high school again. What could I have discovered? I was . . . Or I have always discovered different things in my life, and now again I’m using the iPad tools to share and write some new discoveries. Like the bike ride yesterday, I just posted talking into the phone as I was biking, and I realized I never really did what i said at the very beginning. I watched the video and I was swinging the camera all around pointing at stuff, not holding the mic to my mouth to get a real sound recording like in the picture i drew in High School.
When it’s raining and it’s pouring, you take a stone, you make it still, when I’m weary, He knows everything I need . . . Jesus save me 1:47:43pm 11/27/2023 on “we the kingdom”I Love You Jesus, I am so grateful for all You have created here for me. As I read this name and realized he was a local resident taking advantage of the circumstances… “Honestly we think we just need Jesus, have we all gone Mad!”. . . . 2:13pm I’m running back to You, I’ve been rescued. . . So I’ve FLASHED off somewhere again. 2.2million house value, where I can build and do it again, everywhere.
This text here was from the phone transcripts:
That You created from the beauty and blessing, the call from this number is QuentinIs that your first name or your last name?
My first name my last name is Sherman
Oh, OK. Cool. Talk to you soon. Then Friday is only a couple days away yeah OK.
Sound good Have a great Thanksgiving as
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Wednesday, November 27
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What might surprise you is how accurate it can get reading your text. Especially as you use it more . . .I get it, you want to see Your Word everywhere. . . ! That’s what they are doing in the Chosen. This next season is coming out with Easter. And it’s going to get slammed. Watching the video of this intention:
Now, tune into your heart,
and know that the truths of your experience is ALL in your heart.
so I invite you if you resonated with this to just breathe into your heart go deep into that golden chamber that is who you are, the essential being in you. . . . . and being in a moment of gratitude or being alive and awake and in truth . . . . with your own good faith in this moment, , , , the word on the street for me right now, is to find my stillness . . . and to stay in my own lane . . . I hope that's helpful to you and you have a lovely holiday. Thank you.
What a blessing to see and share into a new vision you never have seen…I’ve been learning more with these Words, tools, experiences ! Wow, look what I just posted: and greater is he who lives inside of me, then he who lives in the World… did Joy Fm Radio and I FLASHED to another business restoring the wetlands in Shore Acres, where all the houses just got flooded. I get a call or two every day where someone wants to buy my house! I say $1.1 million and they hang up. Except now with Quinton, who lives here in Saint Pete too, so my house value just doubled because I found investor. Who can understand what I’m doing.
GOD IS MORE THAN JUST A FEELING, YOU ARE MY HEALING, your healing! 5:46:17I know I still hear Your Word, and need to make the beds, sort the sheets, vacuum, mop, and write the wonderful experiences that you share with me more and more every moment… “Lord nothing is better than you, Lord there’s nothing better than you, nothing better than you.” Love I I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.