Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Bike ride in... lol...

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What else do you need to do this morning.
I need to check John's Journal stuff and outline my PhD stuff and write about this morning...
wow, better get busy.

Every time I ride my bike in I start with saying good morning to the osprey. Hum, something not too happy there? Hum?

Well then I ride through Rowlet park and say good morning to everyone... Birds, trees, people.... Saw a grandma coming in as I left with the twin stroller and two kids. SPOILED! Said to her, "WOW, you get more exercise than all of us"

So then I always get so charged up and vision things. I realize it was before 9am and I wondered who I could share this with? I mean only two people wished me a happy birthday. One left days before my birthday and she's still asleep now. Then the other. Oh Keith he's got my cell phone. So sure I can call him. So I'm just riding up to Fowler and 40th, no hands with my cell phone out. I pull into the office park, then look again at the phone. Oh Keith that's easy just search his name.

Oh, traffic at fowler, all these idiots who think they are so cool in the big cars. Sure cut across, down into USF. And search oh 904 number that's wrong, try again, no that's wrong too. Oh DAA he has my cell phone so it's under ME. daaa so I dial the number it's only one digit off.

So HEY KEITH... bla bla bla ... vision dream... POWER! WOW. And you got it first! Oh and if you start a Blog now and retell what I said we'll have a best selling novel in 6 months... Oh I better get off, I'm going to the pool and am right on campus now... Oh yes, bye!

Course I was just passing SVC going down into the dorms then. Jumped in the pool, swam a few laps and came out.

There next to the water fountain where I had left my bag and cloths there was a little wasp nest hanging underneath that I could see from the pool. When I got out, put on my shirt and shoes ready to go. And got a broom hanging on the wall and SMASHED them. Killed them all on the ground!

Walked up to my bike to leave. Some guy was fixing something there by the building, who had pulled up before I got out of the water. "Oh I better get them before they get me"

Course now he knew exactly what I was doing. He has to do it all the time. Never said that of course, he just looked and smiled knowing exactly what I meant.

Then I got back on my bike and started off... And suddenly I felt and KNEW what I meant too. Here at school are the best and the brightest from all over the world. GOD's WORLD. This IS GOD's People. This is ALL GOD HERE => we are all part of God.

So EXACTLY like I said, kill the wasp before they bite me... Because they would get someone sooner or later there by the pool. And that someone is GOD to. ANYONE there bite by the wasp would be like biting ME TOO. So I got the was I before he got ME!

WOW, I had to stop and write this down. Just like calling Keith to get this down. SO MUCH POWER flowing through me so QUICKLY! I can't help it...

Wrote on my Yellow bike pad: "better get him before he gets me 6/6/06 8:59am Just called Keith on my bike ride in "BLOG!!!" Then I looked up and picked a flower, where I stopped to write at the light with my foot on a bench. FLASH another VISION!

Oh I could sell flowers. Ride along until I fide a cute girl. "selling flowers 100% safe for ONE KISS each" Then I flashed to having a box of altoids with different flavors, and a Medical ID Card... Certified stamped, NO AIDS, NO HIP, NO herpes... NO NO NO .. little Id card with the stars logo... (ps. As I got to COBA, I gave the flower to a girl and said "here for the first pretty smile of the day")

So I'm riding down past the dorms again and swerve for some idiot driving through my bike lanes again... lol... Up Past SVC and my VISIONS FLASH as I see the three bikes there for the last 100 years.

If Sharon listened to me, we could have gotten all the bikes donated and PC's and set up a real program moving recycled stuff. Oh FLASH into Alan at MOSI Recyclesourous TEAM cleaing up everything and making it work...

As I wrote this, every memory flashed by me again and got bigger and bigger. Like I remember this tiny dot of color from the vision and I look into it with a magnifying glass as Iwrote. And it just gets bigger and bigger, more and more detail on and on forever...

EEEK. Another flash this morning was to C4M about 666 and my kdis! eeek... quick email.
SO need to to booggie
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Please fill me with your Wisdom, Strength and Life for the Glory of Father Son and Holy Ghosts. Amen!

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