Friday, June 16, 2006

Letter burst again... lol...

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Its all: For Love Alone... By CeCe CMRadio.Net
I totally got in over my head again. Everything came onto me at once this morning as I rode my bike to school. I got totally pumped up. Almost stopped to see Bob from choir. I know I needed to. . . lol. . . Rode right past his place looking at more construction on campus. Wild ride today, first three pools were locked so I rode all around to find one open.
What did you see in the ponds.
I was surprised. They actually have the water moving so there are fish and turtles growing. Wow, wondered how long that would last? I'm sure it's the cosmetic water fountains instead of any thought about what Florida Wildlife needs. Then I saw the mass of ugly pirate ducks that all the stupid people feed on the other side. They'll end up filling the pond with duck shit and kill everything in the mass lunacy of the consumers. The people always got to have munchies, that's the program they don't know any better. But then these ducks get so fat and spoiled eating all the same consumer crap. . . . To kill everything. Then I thought about building the Safe Cycle in the Patel Center and use the Florida environment right to the max!

What happened when you got to your office.
I got an email from the accreditation agency guy I met last night. So I printed out the study and made a copy for the dept chair. Course he says this is what John wants to do. St Pete College MBA even got an award from them last year. All old news for them. Course I first felt how this guy researched all the ethics programs and what Sharon did last term was SO UNETHICAL he would likely just SLAM them!
Whatelse.. . ?
I know, as I looked at all this and read it all; I realized I had to jump onto all the other contacts from last night. I'd not gone out in "forever;" lol... so I had to take it really seriously. I couldn't even find the place, and ended up checking my email in the hotel to get the address again. lol... walked through 4 or 5 buildings around the block before I found it. Then of course, I could see my truck out the window when I found it... lol...
What did you do?
So I spilled the beans again . . .Wow feels like the third woman now this month? Kim recognized me last night as I was walking out. We exchanged cards and she told me to call her again.. I knew I had her card on top of the stack from the Rima meeting. SO I called her to ask for HELP? I'm crazy trying to figure out my PhD.... lol... Like I'm getting totally maxed out on all this CREATION stuff that I need some help with all these loose ends. More and more connections and no clue how to make it all work!

I just told her from the start. Rima came along and shifted it all up a gear and I was barely holding on already. So then I told Kim to open and I stepped her to the bottom right on the Med School page => ground Zero what's it all about. CHANT => Where Rima came in, even pointed out the date before we all met. . . . lol. . . . I always wonder how I could say so much of those details so quick. Like where does that come from.
What's important?
I guess, that she is already doing the cities sustainability program involved with Patel too and such . . . . naaa . . . she knows the sustainabilty and ALL . . . WOW!
I FLASHED . . . she's spent her whole life working on this too. And suddenly the woman was in charge again. Clear, strong, sincere, and set on making the Mother Earth safe and again Home for Her children, ALL CHILDREN!

Wow, everything worked. Kids are incharge again. No greed, no media maniacs, just transparency for children everywhere FIRST!

What do you think?
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Please FILL us with Your Grace, Love and Wisdom as WE GROW to fulfill all that there is here for us! Your Earth, Your Evolution, You Love and Spirit taking the Thrown again! Amen.

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