Friday, April 28, 2006

Watch out for this one

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! 5.33pm

What's up
I can't believe you are going to get me started into writing it . . .

Why not. Where are you sitting... What do you feel?
I ... Oops.. It's . . . I'm on my leather office chair... Legs crossed up holding my wireless keyboard right under my nose. . . LOL . . . While the monitor is over 4 feet away... LOL... Big 19 incher now.... Internet love songs with My God... lol... SONGS with Loving You My GOD... As this Journal appears before me... Never could dream of having it better.
What's the big deal Son, didn't you ask for all this... "Life is good... Eternal Life is better... "
I guess so . . . It's really exactly what I needed to do isn't it.
What do you feel...?
I'm feeling kinda good about what you are sharing with me. . .

What did you do now?
I wrote a lot . . . Dr. Henley, Sharon, Dr. Balfour . . . . I heard roomer in the office that Sharon would fail me since she wasn't happy that I hadn't kissed her ass all semester. Poor lady Katie seduced her with chocolate. . . . lol . . . . What ego can do to you . . . lol . . .

So I decided to ask her boss about it. The first thing he tells me about is that she had an Honor Code presentation that morning for all the faculty to vote on. He tells me how she added this one code that he didn't understand about how students could not submit the same paper to more than one professor. But now he understood it completely.

He wanted to know what he could do for me. I told him I just wanted to make sure he knew what she did and how I felt. I joked about suing her butt and he went on about what the process and procedures for me to complain and appeal and all this. Wow, turned out he's an attorney too. It was really funny how it all went. He knew more about my problem than I did. Course he said the first step in the process would involve him and I couldn't do anything until I was actually hurt somehow. And then he said if it ever made it that far he could likely make sure it never went any further. Dealing with the prof's was his job. . .

It was really cool to talk with him. I was thrilled. Course Kathleen called as we started, wanting to know about Sharon's Paper . . . I'd submitted it already. Barbara called since I was supposed to be with her right then.

Wow was it cool to speak with Barbara too. I had done a bit on her slideshow already. When I got to her office 25 minutes later... Wow... Only down to 22nd too. . . . I turned on my laptop. Gave her my bound copy of the GreenHorn Recycling book as my laptop turned on. Then there on the screen was the First ESOP presentation I did for GreenHorn. So I immediately went into a discussion about how to use powerpoint and present her ideas, passions and feelings. 10.37
What did she say....
I Focus on Productivity and Accomplish ==> Lifting Weights graphics come to mind. Thursday 4th-6th done before then, Thursday... The presentation needs to be spreadout more, single line, "service above self" No. 7-10
Oh yea and the Patel Center Development officer Karen krewer => wants to be the "think tank for rotary international"....

1106pm it is the kingdom and it's hidden deep in side... Cause I need the Jesus Light Natalie Grant Deeper Life...
I Love you Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.11.07pm
What else happened today?
I saw Barbara in the BSN hall and she went to unity to see Dr. Emoto with the water crystals. So I told her she should see all that I do. Course she wanted to know more and I gave her a bunch of things. Started with just the Mayan Brochure, but as we kept talking. . . I asked her to review the last leader paper for Koehler. Gave her my Org. I kinda told her what it was about; and she said it sounded like a book. I said how no one had edited it, commented, nothing.

Funny, an hour before I took the numbered tabs out of the folder that I had with the original to bind my copy. Used them for the paper I wrote in Sharons class to show Balfour my classwork. So I have a book for her's and Henleys BSN Plan, each tabbed and all perfect. Had then with me when I went to see Balfour.
What Else did you tell Barbara.
I told her all about the nursing and medschool stuff too. . . . Course my spontaneous thought now was to find her all the links and send them to her now. But it was really super cool. When I gave her the Mayan thing, I told her about the MBSR and she said how she dreams of getting involved with that stuff over there. She went into talking about tests and trials with Indian techniques and all this really cool stuff.

We could have talked for hours. I told her how I got Michelle a job there and the countless discussions with John. Funny, she hadn't connected with John as well on this stuff. While the power and vibration of that moment with her was so perfect.

Even another student sitting in the hall listening in got aroused. We both noticed it all too. Like I found more family in the BSN building. LOL!!!! WOW and I flash to meeting Like Ness always told me with Dr Soloman. Writing up the rules, team building and negotiating the IBA's. Structure clear methods so anyone could teach it. WOW. Patent ANOTHER METHOD!

So Barbara needs to see what I wrote Nord and Klasko.... Wow over dose... lol...
Somehow I don't feel that with her.
While lol:
To: "Eric"
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 18:48:25 -0700

I love it! Thank you so much . You are really exhibiting "Service Above Self"!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 4:53 PM
Subject: district presentation,,,

Hi this is Eric again....
I'm about done with my MBA, but I added another MS because I want to do research. Phd's next! Here's another hour of playing... Click through it and tell me what you feel.... ;-) I'll play with it 3 more times before Your meeting. PLEASE tell me if you see something you DO NOT like!!! I don't want to spend time on something you hate... But I'll send you a new one 3 more times improving on the

Take care

What now?
so I wrote BSN Barbara too... lol...

From: O&E Journal Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 12:10 AMTo: Lafferty, BarbaraCc: ''Subject: Hi Barbara, Thanks

It was SO VERY perfect to chat with you tonight! I can't wait to chat some more. I've been begging people to understand me for years. To be BLUNT!

The science is getting very close to the truth, and I need to teach them something
before they mess it up....
See: .............. (link at top)

What do you feel now...

I love you Jesus I'll be brave.... Cause you are the only truth ... LANDSIDE by Seven Places online now. . . . kinda cool.
What are you really feeling
I've got my feet up on the table infront of me, with this big smile across my face. I can't believe I sent all that! It's really funny, that I almost sent it to both Barbara's. Oh yea, at the Rotary she said how she met with the Patel Center again and was going down to the foundation office in westshore on Tuesday. She's very inerested in the sustainability stuff. And Patel wants to be a "think tank" for Rotary International.

Wow, and my mind flashes again to seeing all the systems working together. Moving the water around the world, cleaning it, full of fish and JOY!
When the world was younger, you thought you had so much to lose... Are you who you want to BE...
I AM SO grateful for your Peace Love and Wisdom! Thank YOU dearest Loving Lord Jesus for opening this life for me to share with you. I know and see how we are just ready to make everything work in Your Joy and Love in Peace.
Please fill me with your Grace Love and Wisdom for the Glory of Father Son and Holy Ghost
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Dear Eric,
    Stars2man and blessing to ALL! I just wanted to shout out another "Happy Birthday" to one of the finest men on this planet. I really had to; I'm almost compelled to do so especially after meeting you in person. (I'd say THE finest man but I'd like to reserve that for the One and Only for me...if there even is one.) I'd have tried to turn myself inside out for you but I feel like there's got to be someone who is ready made for you and for whom it will be easy to fit into your life. I didn't come to bury Ceasar but to PRAISE him however and to say this. The women of TAMPA need to wake UP!!! I'm so serious. If you are looking for the best guy in the world and you are truly worthy of same: You should be LINING UP AT THIS MAN'S DOOR!! He's brilliant. He's hot. He could actually BE in a MONOGAMOUS relationship and he's already shown himself to be the best dad that life could provide a child. DID I MENTION HE's also HOT!!!!????
    Watch out women...I could return if one of you doesn't wise up.
    Till then, my dear, HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAY's to YOU!!!

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Dear Eric,
    Stars2man and blessing to ALL! I just wanted to shout out another "Happy Birthday" to one of the finest men on this planet. I really had to; I'm almost compelled to do so especially after meeting you in person. (I'd say THE finest man but I'd like to reserve that for the One and Only for me...if there even is one.) I'd have tried to turn myself inside out for you but I feel like there's got to be someone who is ready made for you and for whom it will be easy to fit into your life. I didn't come to bury Ceasar but to PRAISE him however and to say this. The women of TAMPA need to wake UP!!! I'm so serious. If you are looking for the best guy in the world and you are truly worthy of same: You should be LINING UP AT THIS MAN'S DOOR!! He's brilliant. He's hot. He could actually BE in a MONOGAMOUS relationship and he's already shown himself to be the best dad that life could provide a child. DID I MENTION HE's also HOT!!!!????
    Watch out women...I could return if one of you doesn't wise up.
    Till then, my dear, HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS to YOU!!!

  3. Hey Suzanne,
    Thanks for the kind statements. But you posted it to a message before you ever arrived? If you look at the blog and click on the comment at the bottom you can see which date the blog was written and where you comment comes in. I though you might comment on some of the other events while you were here... lol... course that's up to you...
    Thanks again for the Birthday Wished and the super vacation..
    see ya

  4. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Wah, wah, wah...try to compliment the guy and what do I get but complaints?...I DO get what you're saying about misposting...but I'm blaming the blog for not being "idiot proof"...and I'm just the person to PROVE THAT...LOLOL!
    I'll try harder...sometime in the future. Till then, gotta love me as I am...LOL, and I'll do the same. Keep moving forward towards your dreams...I got your back Stars2Man, even though, I'm sure I'm just one of the people who do, or who will, support your dreams; everyday I see more reasons to do so...Later 'Hottie', Suz
