Friday, March 23, 2007

Authentic OnLine Do-It-Yourself Tarot Readings ::

This Tarot Reading was printed from
Expert Tarot Daily Reflection
Your Question: will eric's efforts and others make a difference in their lives?
Mar 23, 2007
Your Spread

Daily Lesson

Challenges/ Opportunities


Near Future

Spread Information:
The Daily Reflection gets straight to the point, including five key positions that will help you clearly see what you are up against, how to approach it, the lesson of the day and what will happen next for you. automatically saves it for you to come back to later, share with a friend (earning Karma Coins), print out, etc.

This advice spread is a quick way to focus on resolving a problem, dilemma or issue about which you could use some wise counsel right now. Like all authentic Tarot readings, this is terrific for the kinds of problems that logic can't handle like "How do I relate to my partner who is not speaking to me?" or, "What is the best approach to take with these people now?"

This Daily Reflection is a quick way to derive insight into your current situation with an emphasis on what is happening now, as well as future probabilities and what you should do -- or not do -- next. This is an action-oriented spread useful for all occasions.

Your Interpretations

Situation: The High Priestess


Speak the truth from a position of neutrality and centeredness.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to the circumstances you find yourself in with regard to your concern.

There is no need to take the actions and reactions going on around you personally. Be grateful that you still possess a strong sense of objectivity.

It takes will power to resist the urge to form opinions, take sides or sit in judgment. Keep your emotions in check as you watch the situation closely; you will discover what is really going on. You may be the only person involved in this matter who is capable of taking an objective view.

Traditionally called the High Priestess, this major arcana, or trump, card represents human wisdom. She can be viewed as a kind of female Pope, the ancient Egyptian Priestess of Isis, the even older snake and bird Goddesses, the Greek Goddess Persephone, or the Eve of Genesis before the Fall.

For the accused heretics who were burnt at the stake for revering her in the 14th and 15th century, she symbolized the prophecy of the return of the Holy Spirit, which was perceived as the female aspect of the Holy Trinity.

In the sequence of cards in the major arcana, the High Priestess appears as soon as the Fool decides he wants to develop his innate powers, making a move toward becoming a Magus. The High Priestess is his first teacher, representing the Inner Life and the method for contacting it, as well as the contemplative study of Nature and the Holy Mysteries.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to the circumstances you find yourself in with regard to your concern.

The Situation position provides a general context for your question -- the set and setting, the politics, whatever is going on around you that might be impacting the situation or issue you are consulting the Tarot about now.

Consider the meaning of the card that lands in this position in light of the issues, people, and forces shaping your environment and circumstances. This position is about that which is true from the start -- as in the hand you are dealt.

Challenges/ Opportunities: Page of Swords


You have the opportunity and position to influence the thinking of those around you.

The card in the Challenges/Opportunities position reflects how you can use creativity to turn a crisis or challenge into an opportunity.

When the Page of Swords (in some decks, a Princess) is in this position, sharpen your mind and raise your intellectual and intuitive antennae. Recognize the patterns of thinking affecting those around you. You have an opportunity to influence the assumptions of those who interact with you on a daily basis.

By using new vocabulary and presenting new ideas, you can change conditions and help refine or upgrade shared goals. Raise awareness with quiet but steady input from the sidelines. The Page does not draw attention to himself. He positions himself in the world as a servant of powerful people; he or she is often the source for their better thinking. Perhaps at present your greatest strength is your humility.

This card is traditionally entitled the Page, but in some modern decks appears as a Princess. The traditional interpretation is about a messenger, an emissary or liaison between separate camps, charged with faithfully representing one side's communications to the other. Because of this role, we do not think of this person as a servant, but rather as a diplomat, facilitating sensitive negotiations, often under difficult conditions.

This person is acting as the eyes and ears of her patron, and so she is sometimes referred to as the Watchman. Even kings are powerless if this messenger chooses to use her access to sensitive information for her own gain, as is implied by her other name, The Spy.

She could even be working as a double agent, playing both sides against each other to serve her own agenda. Her title is really camouflage in itself, serving as protective coloration so she can move among the people unrecognized, collecting information anonymously. Her vigilance often conceals an ulterior motive. She is a watcher who must herself be watched, because she dreams of someday taking matters into her own hands, preempting the plans of her employers.

The card in the Challenges/Opportunities position reflects how you can use creativity to turn a crisis or challenge into an opportunity.

The Challenges/Opportunities position helps you get the best out of your situation. it reflects the cutting edge in the situation, the learning curve whereby you can turn adversity into accomplishment -- using creativity and a positive attitude.

This card can point to recurring themes in the challenges you have faced in your life -- and to opportunities that may yet present themselves. Can you think of any patterns which are returning to affect you now? If so, try to recall how you have reacted in the past. Perhaps you can see new potentials, while noticing the hidden pitfalls too. Can you imagine a different way of responding to the situation this time around?

The wisdom of this card can help you turn surprises into strengths, blind spots into windows of opportunity. Bring creativity and flexibility to the way you go about your way in the world. Your expanding capacity will become an asset and source of inspiration to all.

Advice: Seven of Swords


Discipline yourself to stay focused on the desired outcome and you will make your way past all competing circumstances.

The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.

The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that deep within you already know exactly what has to happen. You know what steps to take and what order to take them in to bring about a desirable outcome in this situation.

You may have enough of an overview to see how to advance through the maze and achieve your goal. Continue to envision unobstructed success. Even as the path you are walking changes and the circumstances around you obscure your view, keep the desired outcome clear and sharp in your mind. You will quite likely reach your goal and gain tremendous self esteem in the process.

The Seven of this suit typically refers to mental preparedness, acquired through the use of imagination, including the rehearsing and visualizing of desired results. This card represents the positive mental habits of a natural winner. The image most often associated with this card is that of a canny warrior who has infiltrated into the enemy camp on the eve of a fateful battle, checking out their preparations and stealing their swords. Such a move is guaranteed to demoralize the enemy and undermine their performance in the upcoming confrontation.

Putting it in modern terms, one who draws this card needs to work smarter, not harder. Think long and deep, study all the angles and put yourself in the shoes of your competition. As a result, you will have such a thorough grasp of the whole situation that there will be no surprises -- and no excuses for anything but success. Skillful preparation justifies the optimism of the natural winner.

The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.

The Advice position may present a new option or direction, based on a different perspective on what could be helpful to you at this time. There may be a resource you have not accessed or a new point of view that opens your eyes to a solution or remedy you hadn't considered before. Or this card may simply reaffirm something you are already doing or planning on doing. It could even reframe the "problem" in a different manner altogether!

There may be one particular aspect of your life that needs attention. This could be an attitude, an unconscious habit, or some element of the environment that is impacting the way you take care of your relationships.

By adjusting your next move to take the message of this card into consideration, you are more likely to achieve better results. Yet there are times when even the concept of "doing" is too much. Contemplate this card from the viewpoint of possible avenues for action, if any. Then just let yourself flow gently along those lines.

Daily Lesson: Seven of Cups


A distraction that seems to impede the progress of your ambitions is serving a balancing function right now. Be patient; your goals will be met.

The card in the Lesson position represents the personal investment or sacrifice required to derive full benefit from your current situation.

The Seven of Cups in this position says you are getting close to defining your life's mission. You are better at identifying your right livelihood and proper sphere of action than you have ever been. But you are not entirely free to steer your life in that direction. Complications or distractions seem to be slowing your progress, and you may think that they are holding you back. But what you're dealing with right now serves to keep you from sinking into self-centeredness.

Having to pay attention to external factors is helping you grow in a well-rounded way, even though progress may be a bit slower than you might like. While preferences and attractions are important, you cannot have a balanced life if you are obsessed with them. Trust that in the end, despite some necessary detours, your dearest wishes will be fulfilled.

The Seven of this suit typically refers to works of the imagination, the use of dreams and visions to invent a future different from the current reality. This card reminds us that our outcomes are not set in stone.

We can raise our hopes and expectations and upgrade our results. Do not be fooled by the title Fantasy which this card is sometimes given -- this card indicates the truly magical quality of awakened imagination.

The card in the Lesson position represents the personal investment or sacrifice required to derive full benefit from your current situation.

You have come a long way, gleaning understanding and wisdom from your experiences in life. The card in the Lesson position points to a remaining issue that holds educational value for you, or to some sacrifice you still need to make for the sake of your fulfillment.

You may have to let go of something you like, for the sake of personal development. Stubbornness or selfishness in this regard could cost you. It is crucial to acknowledge the value of your personal growth, the importance of your happiness. No matter how difficult it may be, honor whatever you are currently learning as you reaffirm a commitment to growing in your ability to live a loving life.

The Lesson position represents the Wisdom aspect of present developments. Some self-sacrifice on the part of the questioner is usually required, some personal investment called for in order to derive the full benefits from the opportunities you have to grow.

Near Future: Ten of Coins


Relax knowing that abundance is yours.

The card in the Near Future position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.

With the Ten of Coins in this position, you will finally have the means to take care of your needs. Not everyone gets to be a millionaire in this lifetime, but you will be resting in the security of having enough.

No one can promise that this will endure as a permanent condition, but with proper management and long term thinking, you can reasonably aim for an endowment that will continue blessing and bestowing advantage on those who come after.

The Ten of this suit represents the final result of cumulative efforts -- perhaps after generations of effort -- resulting in such abundance that it directly and indirectly supports a lot of people. One layer of meaning refers to the pride of supporting your own lineage of well-loved souls.

Imagine a flow of abundant resources so abundant that you are filled with not only pride but self-respect and gratitude. Such bounty can impact the destiny of many families and generations. Nobility obligates is possessors, and the obligation must be passed down from generation to generation along with the abundance and freedom.

The card in the Near Future position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.

The Near Future position points ahead to the natural consequences of actions you are now or will soon be taking. This card can give you a sense of which direction the wind is blowing. It may refer to the whole situation or merely to one aspect that is front and center for you right now. This is the card of impending events but remember -- you still have power to shape the way things turn out!

This is about what could happen soon -- following the dynamics of your attitude and natural temperament. This is not cast in stone, however. If you follow the Advice card you can improve on or neutralize difficult probabilities that may be indicated.

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