Friday, March 30, 2007


Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
I HAVE SOOO MUCH to be grateful for....
Right now, your Sun -- which represents your core self -- is in Aries, the zodiac sign that's all about "energy and inspiration." Master astrologer Jeff Jawer says Sun in Aries is "Like a spark that ignites the fire of your enthusiasm and untapped potential. Once you access these unique qualities ... you open the door to your personal greatness."
I mean I always have soooo much to do... and i can't even keep my feet on the ground... eeek
Fri, 30 Mar 2007 03:36:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: TUT... A Note from the Universe
You do know, Eric, that with your status now, you can be a conduit for all the love that's ever been felt?

Tap into all the knowledge that's ever been known?

Travel out-of-body through time and space?

Walk on water? Read minds? Speak tongues?

Love yourself? Feel good? Enjoy today?

Yeah, I say start at the bottom and work up.

The Universe

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ®

Nothing but green lights ahead, Eric. You know, because of your status.
yea I know something never change....
Here is your couple's love horoscope
If there's a problem that just won't go away, you may want to suggest taking it up with an outsider. It doesn't have to be a therapist -- a good friend of both of you might be able to hear both sides impartially.
Oh sure ask a friend for help... I GOT to show you what I found as I got up to chant this morning... ====>>>>>>
WOW... SOOO MUCH POWER!!!! I sat there vibrating for hours!!!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.


follow three rules to artfully create a masterpiece of Gratitude:
1. All shapes are self contained. Beginning to End. Seamless.
2. Space exists between all Shapes.
3. Go with the Flow.


Go Gratitude!


the art of gratitude is respecting natures laws to
create inspired time with flow and ease.
In one motion, Gratitude honors all three rules above. amazing.


"The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is Gratitude" - Nietzsche

above is a personal piece of "Gratitude Art".
upon closer examination you will discover space between
each completed shape, whether simple or intricate.
my secret? go with the flow of Now and let the message emerge. enjoy!
as you feel inspired, take a few moments to create a masterpiece of your own!
be centered in Gratitude and remember -
1. shape 2. space 3. GO!

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