Saturday, March 24, 2007

more flight school . . . lol . . .

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What's up?
I'm always so challenged. . . Yesterday I raced all over the place with meetings and more meetings and more. I biked in early to school for the first at 1pm, the 2nd was downtown at 4pm so I figured I could bike back home in time for it. Course then the first was 1-3pm so I really had to race.
yea, so what... what is really happening?
I guess after all the craziness I dropped in on Kathy and Ginny and we watched another movie. It was The Departed with all these cool actors I've seen before twisted up in cops and mobs and killing each other. It was really kinda weird and I was totally clueless what such a movie could ever mean for me . . . as if I could ever watch anything that wasn't exactly what I need . . . lol . . .

But then I got home and read through some emails and WOW!!! Now I have a clue. More twists and turns and weird stuff that I need to figure out. I guess it's nothing that I hadn't brought onto myself . . . of course . . . but the scenarios and the mix were just really out there. Of course it was after midnight when I got home so I knew I had to Chant before even trying to sleep. So again I had someone with me through this and enjoyed every second of that too. . . lol . . . another story!
What about all the twists? What does this feel like?
I know things are getting stronger all the time and the power of my actions are changing things all around. The people I met with and the circumstances were really just out in space . . . Like Michelle is thinking PhD or MD in Emery while Melissa is still trying to figure out her project for her Health Economics PhD. Michelle is not taking her MCATS while Melissa just passed her exams . . . Course I just sent them both the STARS2MAN blog about all the medical research there since neither of them have a clue what's really going on out there . . . lol . . .
What made you really feel thou?
It was about the really weird stuff . . . . not just the discussion group and the member who invited me to another group (exploring complex adaptive systems . . . UGH Tempe, AZ again, figures!!!); but also how these things all play into everything else I'm already doing. Like the movie last night was all twisted up where you never really knew what was going to happen and who was going where. I'm getting involved with so many things so related to each other. Like seeing Melissa yesterday too, and she's trying to figure out a PhD project and working part time for CUTR. I told her about meeting Ed and him laughing about the project that I since have patented.

She asked how I get to see all these directors since she heard about the meetings in the med school . . . But anyway so she's working for Ed now. I told her when I started my masters I checked into engineering too, ready to make a deal with them before I got the patent. Course Bob, the Research Dean, sent me to Ed who didn't think it was even possible . . . so I did it anyway and soon will be meeting with Tampa about really doing it too.

Then I also got a note from the Urban Center so I need to see him too about the same thing. I'm rambling again!
What is the point, where are the twists?
It's all about my dreams again. I bring all this power and focus together and move things to make what I want. Then I realized - - - or Kathy told me - - - that I don't need to be telling people too much. Like I can hold some of my cards and let things develop a bit before I try to explain how it is all . . . ordained and happening! Course she was referring to someone who read and understood everything already . . . lol . . .
What doooo yoooouuu feeeellll?????
I LOVE YOU! It's so cool to watch all these things fly into place like magic. I really try not to mess with things too much and really just watch and let things flow . . . I guess that's really what I NEED to do. I put out what I want and pulled up the power from the Earth sending it all up into God . . . what else do I need . . . . lol . . . that's what's really funny. I stopped worrying about things years ago. I mean, I sometimes get surprised or caught into things, but usually I drop them soon enough knowing it's all as IT MUST BE . . . which is usually better for me no matter how weird it gets!!!

Hum, that's what this is again. Watching the majestic dance and loving it all whether I ever understand it or not.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm going, going gone
I'm out of this world
I'm really moving on to a world with You
I'm going, going gone
I'm out of this place
Now Heaven's in my view
I'm out of this world
Into a world with You


  1. I enjoyed your post! I'll be back in the near future.



  2. Thanks,
    I enjoy it too most all the time... It's great to share and hope I can inspire others too...
    God Bless
