Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fwd: Day 17 - UPSIDE OF GO(D)

look for divinity in simplicity
to find God in Gratitude.
~ hidden yet openly revealed ~
as One is willing to
knew-ly view
ok, luv.
what does simple Gratitude reveal
on the up-side of Go?
G - o
lift the veil, flip it over.
- d
of course! Go-d...
inverted as transparent spheres' mirror,
reflecting messages of Gratitude prove
believing IS seeing.
Go Gratitude!
as above, so below
so within, so without
Go Gratitude, so know God
" Gratitude arises when you accept the Wisdom of All That Is, and that
the God Essence lives in All Things, no matter what appearances may
be. Even times experienced as difficult, such as now, are bridges to
Higher Levels of Consciousness, and so carry their own blessings. Be
gratefeul that you may experience these deep changes that are
bringing great blessings to the Planet. The Love of the Source moves
in All Things - even Now! And then, as you are able to feel
gratitude for All That Is, you will find Serenity and Peace. You
will feel a deep calm, and instead of fear and anxiety reactions,
you will begin to perceive the Great Mystery and Wonder at the Heart
of the All. You will feel the Great Love in the Heart of the
Universe and you will know that All is Love, and that everything in
your life is an expression of Love in some way. When you have
allowed that recognition to open your Heart - then you will accept
the Gift of Joy. And will be able to transmit it to others. It is
within you, in your deepest Heart, waiting to emerge and be expressed! "
(Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn) -

feel free to pass along this knew view on Gratitude
Happy Astrological New Year!
On March 18, a powerful solar eclipse in sensitive Pisces signaled the importance of your spiritual life, so now is a great time to take a retreat or set aside time to be more contemplative. Additionally, with Pluto in a tight square to this eclipse, intensity ratcheted up and something had to be released.
Now, as the Sun enters Aries, we begin a new solar year, a new season and a new journey. Aries' pioneering spirit signals that it's time to take the initiative, express your creativity and make your move. Yet, with bold Mars held in check by an opposition to taskmaster Saturn, it is vital to be careful and thorough. Assessing your plans can be essential to your success, so don't bang your head against a closed door, but don't walk away either. Maturity helps, and so does the capacity to work hard.
Furthermore, Mars -- the planet of personal will and the ruler of Aries -- conjuncts Neptune, the planet of spirituality and illusion. Determine the difference between your fantasy life and your dreams. Ask yourself what you are willing to work for. This is an aspect of manifestation if you know how to use it.
Take advantage of the powerful Spring Equinox energies that mark the start of the Astrological New Year
Hum, I got this note about talking yesterday too... lol... we'll see, soon ...
horoscope for Wednesday, March 21:
It's the perfect time to sit down with Sweetie and really talk.
Your good energy will help ground you and make life easier for both of you, so
see if you can find a way to open them up.

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