Saturday, February 18, 2006

4 Ahaw Dates and Maya Creation Mythology: A View from Postclassic and Colonial Yucatec Maya Literature

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! 5.15pm

What now?
I know you want me to get busy on countless other things that you have before me. What's new

Well if you are here, you might as well get it done quickly, don't you think?
Yes I know. So I finally got my new server running. I HIRED someone to come here and fix it on Thursday and he only crashed it! I asked him hundred questions and such while he sat waiting on the server. So I found out I had really done it right from the start and was really just a WIMP not getting it done.

Wow, so you are a wimp now, what else happened Thursday?
When I got to school I realized the group was about to start so I called them and left a message. Then I put on my jacket and slacks for the Career fair for MBA's. Course I was really only interested in going to for dinner. I went to one event they had last year and never heard from them again. So I was thrilled to get an invite to volunteer to help with the meeting. Another lady at the International Business Center was going too so I suggested we carpool from the Career fair.

The fair started at 4:30 while the nshmba started at 6-pm in Ybor City. I told her we should leave by 5pm to get there early with the traffic. But then there was this Mayan Researcher coming at 4pm in the SOC building. I left for there at 3:30! Walked around reading signs and seeing such until it started at 4pm prompt. Another class started in the room by 5pm so they had to be done at a quarter till. So I decided to leave at 4:30 PROMPT!

I sat in the corner by the door. The last one in was a totally gorgeous redhead. Long and wavy hair to mid-back. . . Sitting with a seat between us infront of me. Then the discussion was INTENSE! She started off showing these Maya Hieroglyphic Codices and said how she was going to explain the creation story as it was written in like 4 different codicies. The Codex was like a old Mayan almanac of events and dates, astrology and such.

She described how she would explain how they recorded the times that rituals were done for the sun and earth. WOW. I was like wired in her words. As she showed the powerpoints talking about it all I could feel the vibrations going right threw me! WOW! She knew her stuff. Like when I saw the DNA coding and how they created a picture to me as I scrolled through them. lol... It's like several strands moving now as I look again

I really hung on her every word holding my palms up, touching thumd and index finger. . . . Until 4:30 and I got up and left. I got her name and email off her powerpoint. Road my bike back, up to my office to get the tan Jacket for the Fair.

I walked over to the new building where they had it. I looked over at everyone and saw all these black suits! As I walked bown the stairs past a violin player I noticed one other tan jacket, it was koehler's partner Tony. So I shock his hand and told him about the black jackets. Then I asked him about the patent and getting it all done for him. He said he was still thinking about it. I told him to worked, just needed to get finalized so he could make a pretty one.

I chatted with a few other people. Got a job lead for Keith, lol. . . . And then met the ladies heading to NSHMBA. Soon I raced off to bike over to my truth and picked up Audet who was going with me. We got there just about perfect, and signed people in collecting money. Someone in my team from the Business Plan class came in with his wife. Then there were a few really sweet pretty girls there too. I never really talked to anyone except a few. One guy recognized me from the fair. thn a UT professor came in too.

Why didn't you go out and chat with people? You had some practice at the fair and did fine.

I guess I couldn't over do it. Starting kinda slow.

What happened with Audet.
Well on the way home we were talking about stuff. And she finally said she was a civil engineer too. Wow. Then I found out she was in te Peace Corps too,and went to Parague to work on the water system and some politician ran off with the money for it. So she wanted to get a MBA to get more involved in planning and operating these organizations. Then I told her about STARS and how I tried to change things too, and realized I could only do it myself instead of relying on others. Everyone has a price. Sooner or later everyone in government gets enough money that they don't care anymore.

It was funny. We were talking about how people go crazy when the money gets to a certain level. They just loose all senses, becoming like a robot hungry for just money. Then we got to STARS and she was blown away. Sorta like I was hearing she was an engineer. So I told her I needed her help to design a water system. Then I also told her we should study for the PE exam and do that too.
What happened next....
I guess we just sat in my truck. I saw Chris Thomas come out. I never saw him before john brought him over. I realized he looked a lot like my dad . . . Seemingly with his head in the sand exactly like my dad too.
What's with your dad?
I guess I sent him a note that Thomas said "hi". . . . He replied "love, dad" BS at the end. Like he has any clue what either of those words mean. So I wished him a Happy Anniversary. That went out the night before it on Valentines day; Sharon has told me before that I'm the only one in the family who remembers them . . . lol . . .
What's the point?
I'm really not sure. I wrote the Mayan teacher to apologize for leaving early and asked about meeting again. She said she would be happy too but was leaving for a few weeks and asked if I could email her something. NOPE, need to meet. Then I realized she was a Honors teacher in New College and I could do my research with her. She's In USF too. WOW, I felt how she would want to study everything. . . wow, I mean everything comes out at once, reminds me:
This invention came in a vision after a death experience. I dropped a Suzuki 650 at 110mph two weeks after my 16th birthday, no boots, no gloves & no helmet; not a pretty sight; several months later a "patent lab book" was started, which now includes thousands of pages.
I guess my whole life has been this research project for you hasn't it
Well it's about time, I thought you were going to be quick about this it's nearly two hours later and your finally done.
I know, I'm sory, time for school work now.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for sharing You life with me . . Withth all of US. Please lead and guide me to fulfill your Dreams for the Glory of God the Father Son and Holy Ghosts. Amen

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