Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday, January 15, 2007 12:26:25 PM

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Monday, January 15, 2007 12:26:25 PM

We had another simply incredible Sunday. She came to Harmony just as it ended. Funny, Lu, Chet and Beth saw us together, and Ciera jumped into my arms the moment she saw me. I introduced Chet and Lyn, but no one else gave me the opportunity. We stopped at my house for a quick lunch, she loves my salads with super garlic bread. Ciera had cheese and crackers, eating almost only the turkey meat though. Then we went shopping at Big Top . . . funny, I sorta freaked her out knowing things about what she wanted and all. Lol . . . she asked me a few times "How do you know?" On our drive out she was telling me about getting more power all the time, and I tried to explain about picking up the loose energy, dancing and such. Course she wanted explicit details for that. No big deal, energy tends to respond to control, so if no one else controls their energy it only gives us more power to use and control.

Then she wanted to visit International Plaza in Ybor for a dance/drumming MLK festival. It was magical. I found us front row seats the moment we walked in. We sat holding onto each other and Ciera sat in front of us on some pillows with some other children. These kids actually preformed in the event too, while Ciera made friends with them all, hugging and playing at our feet.

At the end of the concert there was a lot of food set out for everyone there too, and Ciera was getting really tired and hungry as we got to the end of the line. I picked her up so she could see everything and I could fill a plate for her. Lyn filled a plate for each of us as we all went around the big buffet. We were almost done ready to find seats and Lyn said to me something about "OUR DAUGHTER" . . . My eyes must have popped right out of my head, as I turned to her comment. She knew exactly what she said too, looking at me almost as surprised as I was. It was just the natural spontaneous truth of the moment, and the love between us must have radiated through the whole place.

We ate, me teaching Ciera how to use her fork again . . . and soon we were all up dancing together. I did get close and danced a bit with just Lyn, but it was a very festive community gathering with lots of kids and families. Everyone talking and sharing together . . . oh except me, every second of my attention was on these two girls, I barely noticed any one else, even when they tried to talk with me ;-)

I can't even imagine how many times I went to art, dancing and social events with my children . . . played and danced with the kids . . . and watched other couples cuddling wondering if I would ever be so lucky. Sure the kids love to see their parents close, it gives them more strength and security. But more importantly when the parents are close and full of Love for each other it really radiates the family and community spirit and values to everyone affecting the Whole Earth . . . especially their children who glow and beam with the love as well.

The love and joy of Family is really what makes a community. Course bureaucrats and lawyers know this and are designed to undercut this stability to ensure greed stays in control.

Wow, this is getting powerful already. It feels like my research again. Sure I know everything that I do is always for God's purpose and plans, so nothing surprises me in the least.

What are you finding in this?

I was feeling my negotiations class again. How it is the "frame" set for the deal that really sets up everything else . . . are we going to create a win-win, are we friends helping each other, or are we only trying to beat our opponent. Is this about greed or about community? Are we people evolving into Love, or are we mad dogs fighting for survival? Each assumption about context changes the purpose and goals in the interaction.

What else comes to you?

I guess I know this is what everything is about. Community truths and morals are what is missing in our culture of greed and control. It's really just a matter of truth. What are the real values of our society, we can all preach about truth and justice for all, but we also know that preaching this won't make it happen if we don't practice it anywhere. When we look at our structures in our society we start at an individual relationship and then comes the family, church, neighborhood, community, city, state and Nation.

Somewhere in between is a company or business. Currently the values and the truth get more and more diluted as the size of the institution gets larger. Fundamentally an individual relationship should be based on truth and Love. However the corruption in the courts brings greed even into this with the divorce laws making it easier and better to avoid love and truth since you can take so much.

Now the fundamental values and truth of a loving relationship is nearly completely lost as well. Today people get into relationships for selfish reasons of greed and desires of control; full of selfish expectations and lusts. Similarly the values of the other structures in our culture are more and more based on selfish greed and control issues. People rarely trust or confide in their own priests or teachers. Then police and civil servants are avoided since they will typically treat citizens as a hassle, a number or something else to control and manipulate for selfish reasons.

In the larger scale of politics and elected offices; values and morals are basically a joke. There is no integrity there, nor is there any expectation that such positions will perform ethically or within their own professed guidelines. Unless there is a significant direct personal gain involved. The entire structure and system is simply not designed to create values and ethical decisions.

What else do you feel about this?

I guess the whole conception of a paradigm shift is about moving from greed and corruption to truth and cooperation. As we get smarter and stronger organizations we should have a more substantial culture and truth instilled into everyone. However, as groups increase in size the opposite happens, people get lazier and the values and culture gets more carnal and useless.

Hum, this sounds like something I need to explore more. I seem to have found a problem worthy to explore in greater detail, but I now need to formulate a theory about it. . . . hum

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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