Wednesday, May 16, 2007

here we go again!!!!

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Dear Eric,

The anniversary of your birth is one of the best times to reflect on your life … and prepare for a bright future.

To help you celebrate, we have a special gift for you! An expert Tarot reading is a great way to address any life question or concern. Click on the link below to redeem your FREE 11-Card Tarot Celtic Cross reading now ... and have a very Happy Birthday!:

FREE 11-Card Tarot reading

This Tarot Reading was printed from
Expert Tarot Celtic Cross
Your Question: What do I really need to be doing NOW?
May 16, 2007

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Your Spread
Higher Power
Recent Past
Challenges/ Opportunities
Near Future
Long-term Potential
Blocks & Inhibitions

Your Interpretations

Self: Six of Wands


Your enthusiastic stewardship is producing dramatic results.

The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.

The Six of Wands in this position provides an opportunity for you to be on the receiving end of strong support. An opinion you had been keeping to yourself spoke to a universal need.

As you share your views others can unite with you, volunteer to help and offer to provide a framework for your team. Your inspiration, enthusiasm and leadership are bearing fruit. It is imperative, however, that you design a plan of action -- don't allow a team effort to plunge ahead without direction.

Situation: Ten of Cups


You, your friends and the whole community join together in thankfulness for the rainbow after the storm.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

When the Ten of Cups is in this position, the whole world seems to be filled with feelings of joyful celebration, relaxation and healing. These feelings come partly from being comfortably situated among your favorite people. Friends may seem to be everywhere. Cooperation and mutual support prevail. This situation, however, was not arrived at without stress and challenge.

Equate this magic moment with the clarity that follows inclement weather -- it's all the more precious in contrast with what came before. Even if life cannot stay this way forever, right now all feels right with the world. We are united, joyfully at peace. The blessing of the Creator rains down upon the creation in a sacred moment of recognition.

Challenges/ Opportunities: The World


You have mastered the elements of your life to the degree that success is a regular occurrence.

The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

The World in this position challenges you to maintain a dynamic balance between inner pressures and outer circumstances, your male side and your female side, innocence and wisdom, action and response. You have grown into your potential. It's wonderful to find yourself at the center of the universe, in the right place at the right time.

Foundation: Four of Cups


Deep within, you have reasons not to fall back on inertia. Use this inner knowledge to sharpen your attention.

The card in the Foundation position points to influences from your personal history, your roots and background.

The Four of Cups in this position suggests that you have experienced fallow times wherein you were uninspired, listless, and even apathetic. If this is one of those times, you might be tempted to disassociate and entertain yourself with fantasy instead of challenging yourself to keep growing and stay strong.

It's a luxury to have the option of coasting through life. There is a cost, however. Dependency leaves you open to fluctuations outside of your control -- changes you may not be prepared for. If you've expereinced this before, you can prevent yourself from slipping into this powerless position again by recalling your past. Use those memories to ensure that you will not lose track of events as they unfold around you. If you recognize how easily these lapses could happen again, you can take steps to avoid falling into the dependency you used to settle for.

Recent Past: Ace of Pentacles


Let the creative part of you awaken and help you achieve important goals.

The card in the Recent Past position refers to events that are just departing, recently influential but now diminishing in power.

The Ace of Coins in this position provides a glimpse of how big enterprises begin with small steps and how sudden insights can inspire new inventions. You have such inspiration within yourself! A recent and meaningful insight will help you achieve long-range goals if you act on it.

Let the creative part of you awaken. Innate talent coupled with perseverance will give you the confidence to accomplish what you set out to do. The insight revealed to you, or intuited by you, was meant to drive home the point that "if they can do it, I can do it."

Higher Power: Nine of Cups


You know there is a benevolent presence in the universe that blesses you.

The card in the Higher Power position reflects the broader perspective and influence of your conscience, Guardian Angel, inner wisdom.

The Nine of Cups in this position points to great blessings. Because your ego has remained pliant and teachable, your Higher Self has arranged abundant rewards for you. Although you are clever and creative, in your heart of hearts you know that divine providence and synchronicity have had a lot to do with whatever success you have achieved.

Be grateful to a Higher Power; acknowledge that you never could have accomplished anything worthwhile without its backing. Other awakenings may come as well: that you are not alone, that you are being protected, that the Greater Whole supports your endeavors. When you want what is best for everyone, spiritual forces arrange what is best for you. That may seem illogical to some, but when you have experienced it, a tremendous amount of fearful anxiety goes away. You can directly acknowledge the light that shines upon you from on high. The evidence lies right here in this experience.

Near Future: Two of Cups


A relationship is blooming. Trust the process and open with it.

The card in the Near Future position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.

With the Two of Cups in this position, a newly emerging or existing friendship can develop into something more. You may feel as if you want to know this person or situation better and better. This optimistically placed card encourages you to trust and let yourself open up. It is telling you to go for it -- why hold back? One of the strongest human drives is to relate more deeply, more honestly and with fuller consciousness.

As long as you're not frivolous with this relationship or foolishly scattering your energy around, there is no reason to repress your feelings or pretend that an amazing alchemical occurrence isn't in the works.

Blocks & Inhibitions: Ace of Wands


Use your imagination and the power of desire to rouse you to create change.

The card in the Blocks position points to self-undermining tendencies, areas where you could be in denial, where you could get stuck -- unless you examine yourself and make some corrections.

When the Ace of Wands falls in this position, there is a dangerous habit of deferring your self-will to the stronger will of others. As a result you lose track of what your own real purpose is. Use your imagination to create a dream scenario and feel it passionately.

If this is difficult for you, it's because you have been neglecting this exercise too long. Without the ability to fully define and feel your own personal desires, you won't be fired up enough to achieve them. Get animated so you can create change.

Allies: Page of Swords


Let your advocate smooth the way for your views to be heard.

The card in the Allies position points to people who can be supportive or helpful to you at this time.

The Page of Swords (in some decks, a Princess) in this position suggests that you look for an agent who can showcase your cause or strategies to those who have influence -- whether it's in the marketplace, the academic world or the emotional climate of the family. When this advocate or emissary is positively disposed toward you, he can use his talents to present your message in the most favorable light.

If your emissary has an agenda of his own, however, the message may become contaminated during transmission. That can be a consequence of allowing someone else to communicate for you. Nevertheless, the structure of the situation calls for an ally who can quietly slip the message to the right people without making any waves, someone who can make arrangements behind the scenes.

Advice: The Star


Your time is better spent in reflection and spiritual pursuit.

The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.

The Star in this position advises that you rededicate yourself to your higher values, increase your spiritual cultivation and meditation practice and surrender to the greater good. Connect to your higher self--a being of a larger realm traveling on an evolutionary course that started long ago and runs indefinitely into the future. This is the part you wish to contact and communicate with.

Now is a period for quiet contemplation. Listen for the voice within. Anything that would interfere with this communion may not be serving your best interests right now.

Long-term Potential: Three of Swords


Recognize the part you play in your own setbacks.

The card in the Long-term Potential position points to unknowns still taking shape. It is the "wild card" yet to be played.

With the Three of Swords in this position, it may take a season or two to assimilate the implications of all that has happened, before you can again feel safe to welcome new relationships. Study the pattern of unfortunate events as they unfolded before -- review how you drew the situation into your life, how you let yourself be swept along, how you were drawn toward a familiar, inevitable failure.

Examine your relationship pattern closely to see how you continue it. Until you fathom your tendency to invite such events into your life, you will not be free of this particular pain. Get ready to study these issues for a while; examining them closely with an eye to your own responsibility.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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