Friday, May 11, 2007


Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! 7:50 PM

Dear Eric, Here is your couple's love horoscope for Friday, May 11:
You're focusing more on your entire social scene than on your sweetheart in particular, and while that may cause a wee bit of friction, you both know it's for the best right now.
Impeccable, I love that word.

It always felt like something else... Not of this culture or world anymore, like from a lost Indian culture some other time. But whenever I hear it it feels so close and dear to my heart. Needless, wantless, free, at peace . . . just perfect . . . . no worries BE happy. . .

really just being where i need to stay. . . free and spontaneous in the presence. . . .present now!!
What else have you been doing?
I know writing a few letters. . . i know i need to save them to send early tomorrow! Wow so much power and clarity there too. It was really funny as I was laying here resting. Left hand at 2nd and right on 4th chakra - - I was just watching all these lines of energy going all over. It was really cool, thinking of it would bring so much clarity. Then I could feel all the connections during the day with meetings and emails . . . each new thought would make another line of energy increase!!!! Like I could see which went where as it was pulsating to the movement of my thoughts!

I ran into Dr Nord again today and asked if we could chat after lunch about the ABM summer research project. He was excited about it . . . so I told him I was seeing another modeler for lunch who was using the GIS. Then at lunch Shawn and I got really deep into the various aspects connecting the dots between different things we each knew. He said how research was all about getting more focused. The inverted pyramid getting to focus on what no one has done yet. YES, MY POINT, no one looks at the Big Picture. . .!!!!

How my model affects your model and how your results improve my results. All the bureaucracy is about mine mine mine - - - compete control concepts - - - WHAT about "cooperate" that's where the real power is!

It was all so really cool. We went to get Sushi and spoke over the whole gambit of stuff. Once he stopped and asked if I knew the business teacher who drives the Rolls Royce to school. I started laughing and went into the story about starting grad school and picking Koehler's Leadership class from the schedule on Christmas . . . . and then detailing all my plans to him and getting accepted into the program that next week!
What now?
I've been flashing back and forth with the visions, insights and experiences. . . they all get mixed up as I try to finish writing now.
What's up?
I hit send instead of save . . . and I know I need too chant. Looking at the clock and it's 11:09pm Then now again as i get more conscious of it reading, typing, reading again and it's 11:11pm. First I just glanced at the time thinking he wont see the email until morning anyway. . . no big deal about the time. . . But now as i see the 2nd time I realize what that's all about!
time to go
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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