Saturday, May 12, 2007

Yoga, Power, and Spirit

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! 12.22pm

I finished another book. The last sections were about death and the rites we can do to ease the transitions . . . It reminded me of the experience with my mom. I wish I could have helped her more. She condemned herself to the experience she married into, telling me she truly died when giving up her own truths for his in marriage. Women do not do that at all anymore. Everyone is caught up in the American Machine: me me me is all they know or see.

Wow I'm so negative . . . lol . . . ego dominating everything. It's almost like the women who have become so selfish and egocentric have opened the space and world for more feminine qualities to come out from men. This reminds me yesterday after lunch when I was meeting with Dr. Nord we were speaking about the ABM models and creating something to represent the organic and mechanistic development of organizations.

We spoke about how fool-hardy the whole thing is since people only can relate or comprehend based on language. . . where our words are defined by our experience, so everyone has different words since they all have different experiences. . . . So then I mentioned this book I was reading and learning to see more of the energy around me. Then I said how there was a lot more going on here as we explored uncharted territories . . . like using words with no meaning suddenly shifts to a new level of comprehension when we share the energies of an experience.

I was referring to previous conversations we had where the energy was present and clear to both of us. He knew exactly what I meant to . . . saying how our work together this summer could last a lifetime and open countless challenges and opportunities.

Of course every experience I share with anyone can do that. . . I love being so free and open to create anything like this. Accepting the spontaneous moment and insights to allow anything to happen

What did you do now 6.28pm
I started another of Aberto's books, one about the Yogi sutras. It's really cool talking about the same thing again in a different way. . . . no ego no mind, the only way to freedom. What i really find fascinating in all of this is how I needed to come back to mind and ego to express things. Being out of the mind and ego is certainly the way to truth and God, but to present this to people and publish anything remotely comprehensible requires some element of the ego & mind. Course I would prefer to spend my life with Bear in the woods speaking with the trees and Osprey . . . . but that will do nothing to save the Trees and Osprey from the greed and chaos of men.
What are you feeling now?
I guess I began to recognize the shift I was making. Research and publication is another state of mind completely. It's come time for me to get into another world again. To lock myself into a new place where I can be and flow into my work and research. I wonder how this will work. I could feel the new semester at school starting and the bliss and challenge of creating who I am all over again. . . . Oh reminds me of the pictures where I look like my younger brother Mark . . . like I'm getting younger again. . . lol. . . certainly not interested in the greed and ego if these old folks I've seen. . . .but to get younger still is really just so funny. I always start to laugh when people I'm with finally realize I'm older that they are. . . . Like "What? You kinds are in the IB program at King High School?" lol. . . yepper on the dean's list too... leading everyone there too!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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