Tuesday, May 01, 2007

burning bridges

1:19 PM Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What now?
I'm reading the next chapter, ho hum. . . Ahh so now I see why I need to read this book. Now I'm reading about the "Seer" and creating our new dreams/lives instead of reliving the past. Of course all Dr Ryce's work was about releasing and forgiving the past . . . which was more like "been there done that" for me, but I was present through the experience and went along inspiring others to do the work . . .(Keith, it's great to read this blog each day, but please hit the link and DO IT) . . . However, like You always say...
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Specifically quoted in the book as well, page 135. Now I see and realize all my own arrogant cynicism . . . . wow, toward everything and everyone (sorry Keith!) I mean even this simple posting and book . . . the "ho hum" attitude about "been there done that" towards everything. . . shit that's freaky to see. . . They even have that phrase in quotes in the book too (same page 135). I'm all arrogant about Creations and Dreams and God's and everything. . . Like so what "about whatever/whoever" loss since I can always do better . . . Even the faster clearer connection to YOU! I miss the bliss in the moment of making it right now, because of "so & so or whatever" and I'm moving on in ease anyway!
What else?
It's like my own "back-door" to everything. No need to work and make it right now, since I can Dream again tomorrow and make it better than ever. . . . wow, that's weird. The last section I read before this spoke about "burning bridges"(page 118) so we don't have a back-door or something else to divert our energies to. Knowing you have an escape or another way makes it easier to only be half-way in the moment. . . .

Hum, is that what I need? Am I only half-way in the moment instead of strong and solid making it all NOW!!!
What do you think?
I always thought trusting NOW in the moment and letting "Your Will Be" done through me was always the best thing for everyone.
Yes it can be, and allow this energy to flow through you is very powerful for everyone. However, what this is all about is Heaven on Earth. Your own personal desires and aspirations are as critical as everything else. You easily flowed in bliss with Lyn while not with Pam or others needing the same power and direction. You make these personal choices that effect everything else very strongly. Heaven on Earth is a choice and how you act and feel about every little detail is important and affects everything.

Burning bridges isn't necessary, but getting really strong and specific about things is. If you choose something then stay there, stay strong and make it. You've always been on the edge and in power, so recognize it wont always flow so easily. But also make the choices clear and not just accepting whatever comes along. Your power and purpose are too strong and too important for that.
I know but what about God's Will?
What you need to see in this is that Your Will becomes God's Will as you grow in truth and clarity. The distinction between these dissolves as Your Purpose and Mission gets clear and strong in your heart. Trusting God is about the details! You need to do what you do, nothing more or less
I know, I better finish reading this book . . . .

2:21pm "living consequently, you're fully conscious of the impact of each thought, intention, and action you have, and you take care to make them all positive" (page 143) Thought I did this all the time, except when I read the last phrase in this section: smugly say "Drop your story already and get over it!"

I seem to say that all the time too. I always seem to know better, and whenever someone stumbles or ignores me I just move on, "smugly" thinking or saying "grow up," or even feeling "you fool, find me again after you've suffered enough and ready for me". . . . I guess the point here is how arrogant I get about it. Whenever someone thinks they know better . . . . I rather move on than debate their foolishness or fight in trying to help. That's not very friendly, helpful or anything. People lose all the time, and learn or lose again. My being strong and stable can only enhance their learning. . . . even if I feel like the floor mat until they do learn. . .

Does this mean I need to be the conscious floor mat for everyone?
What you feel about others is fine, but how you react is not. If others lose, suffer and so forth, through whatever actions, whether you warn them or not; it is still their own learning that you need to respect and honor. . . You are only here in now once, this moment, and for many they will only encounter you once. Whether they learn or lose is their choice; but your choice should always be in love and respect . . . "the smug ho hum" is not proper.

Being like a child, asking and offering is a lot more effective than being the know-it-all with all the answers. Listening and accepting that others need to lose, or to learn is more respected than solving everything. You've been effective at getting others to claim ideas, once they own an initiative they will fight for it. You are more effective at setting the seeds than at harvesting.
Is that inviting my discouragement and "ho hum?" where I inspire and encourage others to harvest greatness while I sit on the sidelines holding an empty bag?
Those who have achieved with your help and insight will always honor you. Each one you teach knows in their heart who planted the seeds. Each child you love carries that candle, that light and seed for lifetimes. You know they will all come back, if not to thank you, at least to leave something in your bag.

What you have always done as the rebel is push others, broken walls and barriers. Nothing has ever stopped you. . . except you. Complacency in your "ho hum" . . . allowing things to just BE, while inspired to marvels is your weakness. You do create constantly, and worlds change over night in your dreams. . . . simply because you know this is true. You can also know and marvel as a child at how your next project, dream or adventure will unravel . . . don't wait for circumstances to dictate it for you. Take your ho-hum in peace and comfort and dream it into the Bliss of a lifetime. Not the fun event helping another stranger, but really dream the love and commitment you want in family -- community - - nature - - EARTH!
I'm slow to claim another vision of peace and love. I've built so much and seen too much all around me. I hate seeing those I love and care for getting lost or suffering....
Be like a child. What you feel or see in their choices is their own, not yours. You can always find more peace and freedom, dream the full bounty.
I don't get this, playing like a child and letting friends lose or gain is not standing my ground and fighting for what I want since there is no way out.
What others do is not your concern. You can love the next Goddess as well as the last, and you could love them both equally and not bother with any personal squabbles they might indulge in. However, your power and desire to love and create is real and valid whether one or all see it or not. And if none see it that does not mean you are wrong or lost, it only means that you need to get clear and strong about the dream and intention. Make it what you really want, NO FEAR SON

Stop and look at what you did with Lyn, you were ready to drop everything to go to AZ. What kind of dedication and commitment is that? Sure do anything, create anywhere, but get real Son, how much of the world has shifted for you here and now. You've worked years making this ready for you Now. Sure nothing can stop you, but if you get up and leave, nothing will happen here!

There are two separate things you need to explore here. Your own dreams, power and vision creating a Heaven here on Earth.... and also your interaction and responsibility to other people who stumble across your path. You need to honor and respect them both, but also recognize that they are separate for a reason. No one can finish who you are. Others can add to it and love you. . . BUT ONLY IF YOU STAY who you are independently of them.
I got it now I guess. Just because someone stumbles across my path does not mean I should be walking another path or changing anything I am. While I can help and lead, I also must continue on my own path.

9pm This is really clear in the next section of this book too. It is all about integrity. If this is who I am that's all there is to it. I can express this very clearly and I can stay there, or I always need to stay there.
Yes this all comes back to The Word. If you say something, do something Be someone, this is wonderful and holy. This takes people eons over many lifetimes to get so clear. Once you've made that statement you need to stay there. It's perfect as it is. Do not change or compromise anything about who you are.

Negotiate and compromise the details but stay rock-solid on the truth . . . on The Word that you have set into motion.
I get it
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you!
Please BE with us all through this coming change and growth beginning now! Amen!

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