Thursday, May 10, 2007

Toltec - - Inca - - Mayan - - Aztec

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What about now?
Wow, I feel great. This is really awesome. Here I am in the calm before the storm again. Classes start again Monday. . . and I realized I'm right back where I started from, again. . . exactly the same place all over again, more spoiled than ever, more freedom than dreamed possible and more opportunities than I can imagine. . . . the classic american spoiled brat

and that's really the whole point! I've got to DO THE SAME THING that I always want to do!

I remember the first time writing as I sat in the library thinking how awesome it would be to . . . bla bla bla . . . and now as I sit here listening to Tywman . . ."Oh Lord Make me an instrument of your peace" . . . sitting on a big fresh pile of pillows, eating the last of a big bowl of organic spicy salad, sipping a Heineken . . . lol . . . I could never spell that without one in hand. . . . :-))

"Dear Father Who ARE in Heaven, Thy Kingdom COME" Carol?? next song up on my office PC; Lord's Prayor. . . 5:54PM Equan dropped by and started setting up the sound system last week.

And now some maids just left after doing dishes, remaking bed, dusting cleaning and all . . . WOW . . . I'm just going to do it . . . . do it all exactly as I've seen and felt countless times before. . . all the same players in the same places, going to do the samething all over again!!!! Wow, that's my classic regression. Every spontaneous past-life regression I share with someone was the same thing, starting . . . . "last time we tried this we . . . . . " on ships, in galleys, staking-out territories and planning conquests. . . . lol . . . think we'll get it right this time!!!!! "Shit that's why i get so sad and freaky when i see another one fall, how many times do we have the same conversation until they finally here we go again"

I remember this once "You know Teddy that was just Bambi, what we really wanna see is her daddy, while we all know she has better odds of finding him than we do...." That was during the scholarship to Black Mountain Retreat. Oh yea that was with the Attorney. . . . not Tim or Laura . . . hum

You know it's not necessary to over do this . . . .
But you have!
I know. . . but I just remembered that I met Tim and Laura in the '99 Black Mountain Walsh trip BEFORE my mom passed, while spending the following year (summer/ spring ???) with Sheri studying Toltec. . . "applying Toltec"
What are you getting at?
I'm just looking at the sequences . . . oh I gotta take a picture!
It's just so funny to think about starting school again. Like now looking at this picture I see me and Mom after Jr High Graduation on the shelf. . . no dad there of course. Oh, now I feel like he had affairs all the time. That's why I never saw him. Funny when Mike was here and again reading Alberto's stuff I felt how I resolved the baseball-catch thing for my dad, and his dad, and his dad, and his dad, and his dad all the way back to the very first dad and son . . . that was some awesome experience but I never retell it to anyone.
Why not? It is really Witnessing to Jesus Christ!
I guess so but when I looked at me in the picture, it reminds me of my hairy brother Mark . . . leg sticking up out of nowhere and the painted on hair helmet . . . lol . . . so I zoomed out some more and now I see my mom's cool art catching my eye first again. . . lol . . . painting first . . . the one as old as Mark who made the big funky tree in the middle of it that always looked like T-rex to me. . . . lol. . Now you can see my funky laptop setup too. Course last week I bought new sheets cause I could not really wash much with one hand. Only got them on now, as making a bed one-handed is impossible too. . . lol . . .
What are you learning though?
I know I'm back here again to do the same thing I always did from the beginning of time. . . . Wow, and I've never been more prepared, or ready for it either. I start seeing strings of light everywhere. Wow! I always felt how each word I write punching on this keyboard. . .

was vibrating through the bottom of YOUR FEET now DOWN INTO THE EARTH then coming up through the Earth to vibrate my own feet, into my body, down my arm to the finger searching for the next key . . . . lol ;-D)))) like creating a complete circuit . . . from me to you . . . finger key net screen eyes foot earth foot finger net. . .;-)))
What about the learning?
I was experiencing the power and flow of this energy - - - Spirit Rap going now!!! My being knows no limit I am God, God is within - - -
What do you feel though?
It all the energy everywhere. Everything is connected to everything. . .I FEEL ALL OF IT! So now again we come into time to make first impressions. . . make new relationships . . . connect new thought forms . . .8:18pm I'm seeing a lot more shadows again all around me.
What else would you expect. As you've done before it's all on the ONE MOMENT - - NOW - - - PRESENT - - - ONE - - -
I Pray Dear God only Thought Word and Deed in Jesus Christ for the Glory of Fathers Sons and Holy Ghost!!!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. HERE WE GO

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