Saturday, September 23, 2006

Some things never change

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

I haven't been able to sleep yet. I finished DJ's Meditation CD, read and wrote a lot else too. But still I know there is something I need to do. What do I need to do?

What are you asking us for, you've got lists, upon lists all over your house and still things are lost
I know, what can I do?
What do you think is most important now?
I'm really beat, and haven't been able to sleep or anything. Just got some wine hoping.
What about chanting, you know you've not done that, blamed the tired crap for that too. Everytime you do chant you move more energy than you have ever seen before. Why do you question about it. there is always a time and place for everything. This is why you've been given so much time. It's all here, it's not going anywhere. . . .each day less is here and it's harder to fix, but you are stronger and clearer. There is still nothing out of reach for you. Stop worrying about it all. Sure everything you see is dooms-day, but you have all the answers. . .
I Love you Lord Jesus Christ . . . It's time to read another Journal volume. I have this stack of books next to my bed, and there at the bottom is the journals I pulled out to read in Oregon. . . So I'm getting it now! Thank You! 5.51pm
What are you reading?
I started at 11/19/86 11.50pm "like a bridge over troubled waters I will lead you on, like a bridge over troubled waters" 11.50pm EW Lifes out classic rock, simon & garfunkle. Yes Keith has my bag again...
What did you stop at?
I read the song at 3.03 "ooo tell me who you are, who are you, who are you, who who , who are you" . . . and at the very end I wrote "Just like me and my life it fits Right WHERE it Belongs. And I've gotten ready all my life for what happened today . . . and today will get me Ready for tomarrow"
What does that make you feel?
It makes me feel Your Love and Truth so much.
What else do you need?
I Love You Jesus! This is really so cool... Reading about a Fortran program and cap before there was any computers and now I can just snap a picture of it and post it to millions of people in a few minutes.
What' s the point?
I guess I'm really perplexed. . . This morning I got an email about some survey I filled out about Indigo Children. Course I know all there is to know about Indigos. . . . Funny I gave her a link to the story about my motorcycle accident and now I think about her asking about the different children coming through and how I'm like the original star man. . . Oh that is really freaky ... because I can stop a second and post that too... oh this is just too freaky... Thank YOU LOVING LORD JESUS CHRIST, I DO REJOICE in your Name and Spirit... thanks for filling my Life with Your Grace and truth... Wow, what a trip this is...
What did you do in your office before you started to Journal in here on your bed?
I went in and tried watching some Movie Trailors to relax a bit. I saw Simon's new picture with Neale => "Conversations with God" MOVIE. . . . I just cracked up . . . . course I also got to Call them 7.01pm (352-442-2244 .... Oh Will at CWG answered . . . since they have another retreat in Black Mountain. Of course I only go to events when invited, getting paid or a scholarship. . . that's so funny that he answered the phone again. . . I was almost cracking up with him on the phone. Ed is running his own video business now. Pete couldn't get enough people together for a Changers camp again. . . ;-(

Course I never could say what I could do for them. . . lol. . . but I offered!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for your Grace, Love and Wisdom, Please help us to Fulfill Your Glory! Amen!

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