Friday, April 20, 2007

Oh well so be it

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Dear Eric,
Your life has profound meaning and a purpose -- even if you're not sure what it is yet. Part of the reason you are here this time around is to learn and accept your mission. And when you do, little miracles will start to happen that help you manifest your Heart's Desires. So, take the initiative and get clarity about your life purpose as soon as you can ...
I guess I was lucky, dead at 16 forced me to get serious about this really early. It's kinda funny now sitting in peace and silence again. . . sorta stiff and sore, like I was back then too. I didn't want to come back and I was really kinda pissed when they sent me back . . . It was a major change I did; thou hundreds have done similar since then. I always winder how many things I break the tides on. Being first and leading is all so boring so much. There's never anyone waiting there to say good job, glad you made it. . .
TUT... A Note from the Universe
Of all your lives, Eric, do you know which ones you'll look back on with the fondest memories, the most pride, and widest grin?

The ones where in spite of challenges, no matter how daunting, difficult or even painful, you pressed on.

Like a Cheshire cat -
The Universe

What do you see and hear now?
I know little faint whispers. Its so funny how everything is afraid of me . . . but I attract all this energy that whoever gets close to me are swarmed up into. I never see anything, but some times brief little shadows. Like I know things are increasing and getting stronger since I see more and more of them. I always remember that I agreed to come back ONLY if I stayed here and never got mixed up in all the angels , spirits and all . . . so they all know their toast if I see them . . . lol . . . Course I know the Chant pulls them all back into Source too; best place for them all anyway!

Will and Trinity told me about all the spirits around too, after the last Chant they attended here with Mike. I wish we did it all again too.
When we allow our inner wisdom to manage our actions, we are less likely to be overruled by our emotions. Though certain situations will bring out our more emotional side, we do have the choice whether to be reactive or to allow our higher self to take control and temper our actions. Shift your attention by visualizing your inner wisdom stepping to the forefront and influencing your actions.

By making a subtle internal shift, we can engage our inner wisdom and allow it to lead us through any conflict or conversation. Our inner wisdom is calm, insightful, compassionate, and open-minded, and allowing it to guide our mind-set will help us express those qualities. Invite your inner wisdom to influence your thoughts and actions today, and you will be proactive rather than reactive in your interactions.
I feel some times that I should do this or should be doing that . . . then I also know nothing changes until I push it. I hate pushing people or anything. Some times I feel like if they miss the boat, so be it . . . then I think it's my job to pick those who need to survive . . . ugh, but then they ignore me and SMASH; tried to warn you, oh well. . . .
What do you see now?
I flashed back to the college bar scene. When I first got here it was like a twilight zone, a time-warp thing. I knew it was all up to me. Like CC's had the cutest owner, and she always would tease me but let me do whatever I wanted in her club. Then she opened Miki's too and was making too much money. Suddenly she got all arrogant into ego crap. And she got rude to me. I knew her clubs were really a dive, but each night I came in I'd get the whole place dancing in seconds. So fine smart ass bitch get rude and arrogant . . . know it all fool!

I stopped going there. Not even a month later they were closed or at least empty. Happened with Sydney's; Robokonti's and some other places too. That's what I meant Sunday when I left Harmony . . . wondering how long it would last. Maybe a month, maybe two. I know Mike's workshops had the most attendees ever, oh except for Virato's which was almost 50 people. But I actually sponsored Virato instead of just showing up. I saw that with the MBA program and the Nursing College too. Course I always wanted to check the stats on NJ and FL but it really is meaningless to me. John told me how his journal boomed when I started, so I told him the NJ-FL thing. I'm not sure if he really believed me but he certainly has done everything he could to keep me working for him. . .
What else do you feel?
I guess I really feel sorry for poor Ciera. Like a little pawn or tag along with no one really there for just her. I'm sure she's better off than thousands of kids. But the moment she was in my arms the peace & comfort was such a big relief for both of us. We knew we were at home again safe. She's come through to me a lot too and I've written volumes about her . . . course no one has read it! Or at least the one person who needs to read it is too lost in herself. Which really only means she'll get more lost.
What does that feel like?
I can lead a horse to water but I can not make her drink. . . Christopher said that all the time about Emily too. But then I realized how everything else around them and their whole world convinces them the opposite of whatever I say. They all get attacked and trapped in lies and deceptions. I try I get people to understand the Power of Your Name, but they just miss it. . .
What do you mean by that?
I know I can Chant "I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ" over and over for an hour and still have little voices trying to play Your Part
What do you do then?
I guess it's about getting focused and clear on the truth from my heart. Anything can say your name in my head . . . and often they'll go on and on big and bold, telling me what I want to hear rationalizing all the perverted psycho-dramas I want to live in my life. However, when I chant the power of Your Name and feel it deep down in my heart . . . then there is peace and silence with only One small whisper explaining the challenges before me to face. It's always easier to listen and follow the lost ego into greed and deception. And the power and control we find there will be (seem to be) outwardly rewarding and fulfilling . . . but only externally and superficially... Then people get lost in the "future crap" oh it'll get better some day . . . sure.

If it's not true in bliss now, it is NOT!
What, you are not always full in bliss?
I certainly have my challenges, but I'm always at peace with it. Even with the loss of Ciera and Emily. I know I gave them each a candle they will always remember and find in their hearts. That might be all for me, but I did all I can and I can stand tall in the truth with that . . . even if the horse dies of thirst before me. I'm at peace and comfort ready to help dig the grave if need be.
What do you really feel about this?
I know things are changing fast. It almost feels like I was pushing for the end too soon . . . so the Universe needed to step on the brakes and slow me down a bit . . . lol . . . guess that only means little psycho things for people will crash and burn faster that ever . . . Oh well so be it!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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