Friday, April 06, 2007

The Power of Now

1:52pm Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What now?
So much power, so much clarity. I'm almost done with another book and its funny how I read this and feel things filling in . . . like I wrote the book in the first place and know some parts that are missing . . . course we are all ONE anyway, so this is really no surprise to me!!! lol. . .
What does that mean?
I read about the Big Bang and how the universe is expanding and soon will cycle back again contracting in on itself. . . . But as I read this section in Chapter 10 The New Earth; I realized something more . . . or I felt something a bit different. So the world and universe began with a Big Bang coming from nothingness into something and expanding . . . so I could feel the endless cycles of nothingness into something back into nothing . . . Like when I do the Chant and being the energy up from the Earth into the Heavens where it goes through to infinity only to come up from the Earth again.

It is connecting Heaven and Earth in this infinite circle that spins through them both. As I read this book, I could feel the universe expanding into nothingness instead of ever contracting again. Like the worlds and suns would expand and expand to break up more and more into gases expanding more and more then into atoms and only electrons and neutrons . . . and continue expanding into Quarks and Strings then expand further into only waves of light back into the same conscious energy or the nothingness that they all came from. And suddenly, as mystically as they disappeared into eternity ... BOOM they all started over from a single point all over again.

It's so weird when I feel and see things like this.
I feel the power that I send across the internet and feel all the egos latching onto it saying this is MINE, my thought, my creation, my discovery . . . sad crazy people all lost in the control. . . wanting it all but ending up with nothing . . . Reminds me of poor lonely Neale and Bill back in Black Mountain. Sure take it all, call it yours, WHO CARES . . . just get it out to people and help them grow and learn . . . and never let it get lost in some church where only the High Priests can use the power. . . lol . . .
11:30pm What do you feel about this now?
I'm not sure if letting things go out like this is always better. Like maybe keeping or controlling something for myself has some value. I took Kathy to get groceries today while a nurse visited with her mom. Not sure what we were talking about but I told her how I joined this dating service after my divorce . . . Like me single again, what's that mean . . . I'd never had to approach a girl in my life. . .

Course she laughed about Kathy F. the manager there that snatched me up before I even got into their books. She heard about her already, but couldn't believe I actually paid for the service anyway. . . Then I told her about Sharon the wealthy lady who grabbed me a year later. . . I said how it was more just for my children, who never experienced wealth. It never meant shit to me, I guess she was convinced she knew everything so I couldn't help her too much. The lady could use all the help she could get and the kids were open and ready. . . she soon lost them too.
What is the point son?
I'm not sure. I know there is a lot at my fingers again; and again I have a lot of free time to create whatever I need. Things are changing Fast again!!!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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