Sunday, May 21, 2006

Outrage! Preschoolers used as guinea pigs in psychotropic drug tests

Outrage! Preschoolers used as guinea pigs in psychotropic drug tests: "Chemical child abuse
In my view, this exploitation of young children for drug testing amounts to nothing less than chemical child abuse. What possible medical justification could these doctors, hospital staff and drug pushers have for prescribing mind-altering drugs to four-year-olds? Even the 'disease' being treated here is entirely fictional. So-called 'bi-polar disorder' was wholly invented by psychiatrists with strong financial ties to drug companies. The purpose of this disease is not to help children, but to sell drugs to anyone and everyone, including toddlers.
I often wonder when the rest of the country will wake up and notice that the mass-drugging of our nation's children has gone too far. Why isn't the mainstream media giving this front-page coverage? Why aren't lawmakers demanding an end to the chemical abuse of our children? Why isn't the FDA halting these trials on toddlers out of plain decency? "

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