Monday, March 28, 2005


Monday, March 28, 2005
1:30:50 PM
Rima offended me. She sounded like Mary had brain-washed her. Like what would Mary know about what only Rima and I have shared? I still don’t think Mary could even understand it all to the depth that Rima has experienced. I guess I should be more concerned about how I affect people. But I know that not everyone can understand this. And I also know what Rima shared is deeper and stronger than even my own understanding had been too.

What you are doing has not been done here for millions of years. What Rima knows and understands is a mere reflection of the truth that was there in this ritual when it was first started. She understands it in terms of where it evolved and all the other religions and practices that came out of it. She has stayed connected to it, while you have brought it back from the origin. The more you share and learn with her the more it will come out for you both. You need to keep her clear in the truth and not allow her to get lost in the fears of others.

I think I’m going to have to race out after class tomorrow night to visit Rima. Ugh, that’s my late class tomorrow too. I wish it was another day or that I didn’t have such a late class tomorrow. I need to visit with Her and even take her out to meet some of my friends... lol... like a road trip to visit Trace, Tim and Scott! That would be a trip!

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