Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Tuesday, March 29, 2005
8:41:18 AM
lol... ok this is weird. I called Rima when I got home and she called me back a few hours later. I was worried she was mad at me and avoiding me. So it felt weird all night until she called. That was weird too, I could still feel her tension and apprehension, buy she wanted to finish my regalia. That feels like Mary more than Rima, like Mary told her to take my money and then keep away from me. Like Mary knows anything at all... lol... funny I remember the first time I walked into Mary store and told her she should get out more and do events and such.

This morning I got up and read through my email as I ate breakfast. And there in my inbox was an email from my teacher tonight, seems like he's got a stomach virus or something and decided stay home tonight, so he cancelled class.

What does that make you feel?
lol... I guess I'm glad I can go visit Rima for lunch or something, which is certainly cool. But it kinda makes me nervous too. I know we can make things happen more and more and I've been telling Rima she will be leading and teaching people this more and more. Like I've said very clearly how we are on the leading edge of this and that people will all soon be manifesting things very strongly like this. So we better get clear about it and stay strong since others will need to learn and follow. She still can't believe we are the only ones, but it feels like we are at the times we can, while someone else is at times we are not... like there is ALWAYS one or two people at this level consciously at a time... and not much more than that, so there might be a hundred or a thousand capable, but only one or two there at a time.... humm?

What else did you hear on the news today?
Uh oh, another big earthquake at the same place as the tsunami happened yesterday. And I guess what is weird about that is how after the first one I told Rima how I felt while chanting. I was creating this vortex that went through the center of the earth and popped out the other side. I have seen and felt like there would be some massive hurricane to spin out of the point of the earth opposite from where I was sitting. Course then we get 4 hurricane hitting us here and tsunami's hitting the space opposite from here. I've also told Rima how the hurricanes won't really hit Tampa until my roof is all built. And she's lived in a dome before. And now her ex Jeff is coming to town with her son David. And they both have done a lot of major utility construction laying pipes and such.

What does this make you feel now?
lol... I guess it feels like a lot of things are coming together really quickly still. And it's more serious things that I never thought about. I mean I spoke to David from FEES last week about the pipes at StoneLake Ranch that I want to use for my roof. I'm supposed to speak to him again this week about it so I can see about getting them all. So Jeff and Dave coming back to town this week couldn't have been planned better.

What else would you expect? Do you think anything here is not planned? Do you think that everything will be here when you are ready for it all? You are here to make this change, and make it real and practical in the physical, not only the spiritual. This means that you will need all these resources and people ready to do what is here to be done. What did Dan tell you this morning?
lol... ok so Dan got home from work as I was getting ready to leave for class. I asked him how his day was. And he tells me how the ship-yard VP was there this morning. He came into the shop and complimented him. This was his foreman 10 years ago when Dan first worked there. And then the guy who hired him tells him that he's thinking about retiring. I guess what's funny is the other day Dan told me how rough the job was where they were giving him too much to do. I thought about it later and called Tom's cell phone knowing they were likely together.

Tom found him in the bar or wherever they were. And so I told Dan to swallow his pride and hang in there no matter what they did. I felt like he might end up running the place. And then I spoke to him again after the phone call before he went in to work that night and said that they might even ask him to do something that he felt was wrong. And he should simply make sure his position is clear and everyone knew what he thought about it, but then do it anyway. The good-old-boy test to see if you are a team member or not. He thanked me for my comments and I said I was praying for him.

Course that's when I realized I needed to be clear about what I do and say for myself too. Please Loving Lord Jesus Christ Fill my Friends and Family with Your Grace and Love so they my all grow to fulfill your Glory... Amen.

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