Thursday, March 10, 2005
9:57:27 AM
Wow lots and lots of things are coming together really quickly. Tuesday after meeting with Heidi again I raced across campus to get to my new class. As I got here the room was all dark with the teacher running a powerpoint presentation or something, so I walked into the class and sat in the back as I always do. Then I found out I was an hour early for my class and was in some undergrad media class. At the end, the teacher asked me what I thought of it and invited me to return. So now I’m sitting in this class as he talks about marketing and advertising plans, sounds like what I need for my Strategic Technology Class.
Brand to consumer Top-Down Plan: Goals about market share, target market, project positioning, => develop strategy, long term goals, what am I doing now. Down-up start with the tactic and get back to the plan. IMC Integrated Marketing (Don Schultz) => customer to brand development; relationship marketing; “creating and maintaining a long term relationship with stake holders.” Develop campaign to reach every target audience. Market segment creates loyalty. LPCV= lifetime customer value current customers are 90% of revenue, new customers hard to get. Regaining lost customers are hopeless. “Introduction to Advertising”
Heidi and Dr. Palmer are both very excited about making a company and have a lot of ideas and resources to add in to make it work better than ever. I hope to get it all in as STARS, but have told them both to get clear about their passions before they decided anything more. It’s really weird how other things are falling together that supports everything we are trying to do. I called her again when I got home last night and she started into this story about another doctor at Moffit that wants to start exploring research Heidi has done already. So immediately the doctor started talking about getting Heidi onto her publications, future patents and grants; even saying she had access to big investors in china. Figures!
9:21:14 PM
This is getting too weird. Today in the group the leader said we had to deal with something really important. There had been someone not following the rules and they needed to address an issue that was talked about outside of the group that needed to come into the group. OK sure. So it was RenΓ©e who needed to talk about Emily which I discussed with her once before the group started. She had the same experience as Emily, and had confronted it and now was studying to get a PhD to research and teach about pedophiles. She was so nervous bringing it up and catching me by surprise.
But I thanked her and told her I was so VERY sorry that I had put it all onto her and never let it out in the group. Wow, was she relieved and so we started into what the whole thing with my children was all about. Of course they all thought I was hiding and hurt, wanting me to “DO SOMETHING” about it... as everyone wants me to. Course I’ve done everything I could legally do already which they seemed to understand after a while. It’s really up to my children to face what the truth is and take it serious which they will some day. I really feel like Abraham taking my son Isaac up a mountain ready to sacrifice him for the greater good. Which I wish was it, since in my case I’ve about given up my son and daughter, and even my ex-wife to a satan himself and gave him their lives and a knife to do as he likes.
I guess it was really good to get that all out.... lol, never said a word about Isaac to them, but feel it now as I write. Someone else had things to share too, about loosing her connection with her family. Interesting enough I confessed how I had the same concern with my own family, confronting my father and brothers this last holiday season. Like where one lied to the others and their whole perception and lies are all based on bull shit that they will have to all face sooner or later. RenΓ©e said she had the same issues with her family, and felt how it would all come around again, going full circle.
Like the people would all learn and grow to face their own truth and come back as a family again someday. Wow, this is exactly what my children will have to do as well. What came to me as I spoke to her was how my father had lied to my siblings about me. And I told her how they were projecting their failures in life onto me. Like my dad had really failed and never could face it. And instead of admitting it and facing his mistakes he has to blame me and create a scenario about why I’m the black sheep.
Wow I never understood that so well before. It’s something that my dad went through a long time ago that he’s projecting onto me. Something he never wanted to face.... He never faced it with me as a child in his own house when my mom confronted him about it. And then he did the same thing to my own children missing a 2nd opportunity to confront his own fears. You kinda wonder if people will ever grow up and face their own creation that they bring back to themselves again and again. I guess little Maria or Abby are next? I certainly will never let one of my children into that house again.... twice is bad enough....
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