Thursday, August 10, 2006

Emerge Tampa Program

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What do you think?
I'm really in for it aren't I!!! Wow. . . Amazing grace how sweet the sound "I saw the Light" with Mark Schultz 2.40am

What did you just do?
ah, the Ice cream with the papaya, mango & berries; or getting this laptop after 2am?

What, did you do before that?
I had this awesome chant, and pulled up so much energy that it's still blasting through me. It's like the tendons in my foot are bouncing, and my fingers tingle . . . Almost always with one, lol. But I mean, I've written out 4 or 5 post-its of ideas already and I can't get to sleep. Of course NOT it's a Full MOON!

What did you think we were asking about. It's really easy for you, as you connected to it before it ever came out. Where at first?
I guess it was at USF. I raced out to catch an EMERGE meeting at the Chamber downtown. I realized I had to join this group and make some things happen. So I had planned to go this morning and just grabbed some jeans to change into to get there for 6-7pm. I thought it was more of a happy hour, looking to eat. But it was a recruitment for getting projects going. Almost all of them I was doing already in my own ways. . . LOL . . . That's really kinda funny, as I realized it now.

The next meeting has the guy promoting the City River Walk coming. Course when I was a kid I got a Disney Dreamers & Doers award for designing a Riverwalk that we gave to Iorio when she was the Chair in the County Commission. Now as a mayor she tried to get the state to fund it and aint got nothing now. Course my design is patented now. So I'll give them 1/3 to build it, while another 1/3 could go to schools (1/3 USF, 1/3 UT, 1/3 STARS), and I keep a third.

So this energy is pumping through me like FIRE. I keep flashing into new scenarios. All these different faces coming in and out over and over again. Wow, like Jose who is the Chamber Chair is the guy I met at the HEUMBC (??? PR thingy at the Columbia) and Loves/promotes two or three of the links I'm into already. Like they have an 8th grade program for like a teach-in. And some breakfast social. Then there is another River Walk program.

What did you see with it all?
I got Michelle working for me now in Jermier's office. So we need to all get business cards done and redo some websites, resumes, and all to start going to some of these meetings and create the changes we need to se everywhere.

Who called you while you chatted with Michelle in his empty office?

I got a call from CDM. Some headhunter sent me a notice about finding my resume in their database and wanting to talk about an international water project job. OH that's finally in my league, so I replied with a letter and resume. Something I could really deal with. Course and I know them from countless SWMM models and the panama canel project they want . . . with Patel and international trade . . . which is also Jose stuff with the Chamber!

Everything has been coming together... About You by ZOEgirl.... shit i'm sorry, You are SO RIGHT
I LOVE you dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Please let me fulfill Your Dreams with me! Amen!

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