Thursday, August 24, 2006

Rising up the Sine Wave again

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What do you feel?
I'm WIRED again. Everything is falling together like magic again. It's really intense and kinda cool. I've got this list a mile long and every moment it is getting longer. I'm getting more conscious and direct about my creations and insight into them. It's really kinda Awesome. Like Sunday DJ asked me to share my chant. It hadn't changed for her at all . . . while everything exploded all around for me. Monday I made the model submittal with FEES, Tuesday I started the Riverwalk deal with Emerge, Wednesday I get the go-ahead on my Mayan Research at USF.

What do You FEEL?
I guess totally thrilled or amazed is exaggerated a bit, as it really shouldn't surprise me, as everything always happens at once. I always knew it would and am kinda ready for it. Like on Sunday I was running around trying to get ready while their physchic fair was going and the place got packed with people . . . that always happens anytime I get wired and excited in public; people come out of the woodwork magnetized to me. Then a few ladies who planned to attend my demonstration were reading Laura's book. Found out they loved her work and wanted to invite her in to speak. Who Laura Love, wow she needs to visit again!! ;-)

Of course Laura is connected, now all I need is a call from Chuck or Claire . . . lol . . .

Course John and Michelle are rocking too. She's all over the work we set out for her, while he's giving me more insight and power all the time. The Book chapter he wrote came out and the Book was edited by Dr. Nord so I know Michele will read it too. She took care of Nord's house while he went to the AOM conference. Course John went too, as well as most of the department teachers. John was invited to London and New Zealand to teach and got a few other offers as well.

He's just laughing about it of course . . . While Michelle seems perplexed. But she read and edited my paper a bit too. I can see it threw her off a bit, too much energy at once I'm sure. While she's read the water-crystal books I got for John and I to read. It's really just too funny how this all comes toegether.
Why do you question son? It is all as you are creating, what did Dr. Fernandez do?
I had a meeting with some of his staff and they told me what I needed to do to get into the research right now. Both were ready to help me and wanted to see how we could make it all work out. So I need to really jump on all this stuff as I see it before my eyes. It really makes me nervous about getting too much going again . . .
What do you feel?
I guess I really feel like I'm ready. Like with the FEES model, I just decided that I would have it done and set the way I wanted it in time for permitting as I promised. It's really funny how I just know it is so and don't consider or worry about it in the least. And I've seen similar results and attitudes in other things that I'm doing like the Sunday thingy.
What do you feel about what you are reading?
I guess the Kabbalah is saying about the highest forms of consciousness and divinity are really what I'm doing now. I mean even after the Chant Sunday I went to Pam's to swim and we chatted all night. I told her how I thought I needed to get some ego back so I could connect and communicate with people again. She told me NEVER! Like that would cause more harm than help. Connecting with the ego and greed in people again would be totally contrary to who I am anyway, so I was better off just holding to what I DO.
What does that feel like?
I guess I was kinda relieved a bit. Not that ego is any big deal . . . . lol . . . . I always feel like I need to be pushing so much more.

What you need to be pushing is not really ego, it's more the passion and desires of your heart. Remember what you were telling Cathy tonight. Placing it into God's hands means releasing it, not putting a face or an expectation onto it too.
I know but when there are people around me and things I see and like, I can't help put faces together and think about things like that.

That is the lessons and the learning that you are going through now. These are all challenges for you. They are big complicated things that you can make happen and create. You know how to do this, it is really easy for you. Nothing here is any surprise for you. It's going to get easier and easier with the more that you do.
I know I need to just trust it and follow these steps before me as I make all these things happen.
What it is all about is very simple and direct for you. Trust it all and make it happen. No fear, just time and ease. Trust it all in love and what else did you see and feel today?
I guess I went to the UC to deposit a check and saw a little princess. Then I realized I had to get serious about that too. Just need to go visit and chat with people that inspire me!

THANK YOU Dearest Jesus Christ, Please continue to fill me with your Strength and wisdom to Fulfill your Glory for Father Son and Holy Ghost . . . . amen!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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