Saturday, November 04, 2006

Wow... lol...

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What's up?
It's really kinda funny. I entered this Invention contest with the Unity First and then the CMMTS next. . . Course I feel now that I could enter 2 more if I want to. Which might be fun.
Whatelse happened?
I got the confirmation letter from the patent office on my 1/1/2006 filing... YEAY! Course I did two more since then so I knew what was wrong or missing already. They asked for it exactly as I thought too. No big deal, I just need to separate the graphics from the text.
I also got a negative note from the Med school. It really didn't surprise me either. At the very first meeting she said how I sounded like I wanted to take over "her" wellness program. Yes the typical fiefdom BS where lost little people think they can control and rule. Sad, but the whole state is like that and most everyone is programmed to do no better by the TV anyway.
What did you feel?
I was sad of course. But then I realized how much I did and how closer I was to what I need to do . . . I mean I also got some other pieces I needed that magically showed up in my email:

So I guess it's really no big surprise ... the weak always fall away as the power increases. It's better that way. I guess that's why I never fret about "supposed friends" who disappear. Sure sometimes I wonder . . . but the weak always have fallen away from me as I get closer and closer to my goals. I know it's better that way. I don't need to be troubled or burdened with ignorant insecurities and gossip from the foolish. . . .

ooo, that was mean.
What's wrong with sharing what you feel? You need to do that stronger. It's one thing to let things go. But it's another to let it go in ignorance. Some times people do need to be put in their place. If they are foolish or lost you can redirect and help them too.
I was wondering about that too. I've been spending too much time running about helping and playing. . . I have two degrees to finish and another to start. . . At least one more, maybe two! And so I realized I wasn't reading or working on all this enough. I mean, just last week I was thinking I should just lock myself into my room and hibernate for a while. So maybe I'm getting exactly what I want
What else have you noticed?
I guess like the Library scene with this cute girl. I mean there are 7 floors of books and 26 letters, for her to show up in "H" with me is just weird. And No way could she have followed me, I was inside the building and up the elevator before she even got in the front door.
What's the point you are telling stories instead of answering the questions.
I guess I've noticed how much I can feel people. I always try to avoid it. But I am always watched on Campus, I can't go anywhere without feeling the little eyeballs on me. lol. . . Course I thought I should go to Ybor so that place doesn't close down. Funny I realize now that USF has increased to over 30,000 students, plus faculty and staff it's likely 40,000 people there. I know Florida has boomed too, just like NJ did when I was there. lol... I guess even Harmony has exploded in no time since I started. . .
What's the Point Son?
I guess it's about me taking more responsibility for what I can do. Like I was thinking about Nord's reading group again, how I can make things shift there too. Course the new Dean is trying to push more research and He's on the list there too. Hum, funny how these things work... It's really simply perfect today too. My windows are all open and I get this cool smooth breeze through my house. All night I could hear the wind chimes. I just Love this place. And I see the bright Sun shining into my office now... lol... Oh across my keyboard even!

It's really funny. Oh funny thing last week. John came in to meet with us and asked how we were doing. So I joked how we lock the door all the time to have mad passionate sex. He just laughed!!! Then later I apologized cause I realized it sounded really bad. She laughed, and said she never does, and most people think she's lesbian. Oh great I've got a few lebians coming for dinner. "Lesbians" what's the fun there for you, no wonder you are single. Course then she says she's decided to get her PhD here at USF too, so we might be in this office together for years!
What's the POINT!!! Get to the Point!
I forgot again. I guess I need to be more careful about how I influence people. And I also need to accept when people are drawn to me. And be more "welcoming" and open to connecting to people. I always get the experience in the Library. Not so obvious and strong. But it happens all the time where I see someone drawn to me. Or I "feel" someone drawn to me.
What do you think that's about?
I know it's my own energy. I have been magnetizing people and events to me all my life. So now that I'm doing research on the subject so I know I can get a lot more together with it. . . .

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for your Grace Love and Wisdom, Please fill me with Your Strength, Love and Wisdom so I may Fulfill Your Glory. Amen.

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