Sunday, February 04, 2007


Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What did you find now?

The steps to true healing begin by understanding that:

1. The purpose of life is to heal you and to bring you joy! Anything less is Self-Inflicted Nonsense.

2. We will define the output of the human mind as reality. In ancient times, called the ‘mind of man.’

3. Pretending someone else causes your mind’s disturbing output is projection.

4. Blaming another for your reality (the output of your mind) is irresponsible and the key to being a victim.

5. Thinking and feeling like a victim is self-destructive and compromises one’s mental, emotional, physical, relationship and financial health.

6. Pain is the energy that results from holding onto disintegrative energy and/or negative thoughts. Pain warns of the need for tools to release stored negativity and create internal healing.

7. Forgiveness (changing your reality, the output of your mind) is the only PERMANENT solution.

8. Forgiving is NOT about others, rather, it is an internal healing process.

9. Understanding the principles behind transition is simple but not always easy.

10. It takes commitment and work to heal yourself of patterns that have continued, often, for generations!

11. The rewards are beyond what the mind in pain can conceive.

TRUE FORGIVENESS is the master release process, a tool that opens the energy field of the ‘body’ and liberates destructive energies from within. Once you actually understand Forgiveness, you will never forgive anyone again. Forgiveness is not letting another off the hook for their offenses. The root meaning of Forgiveness in Aramaic is ‘to cancel, untie or let loose.’ It is a tool for changing a reality in the mind.

To heal, identify disintegrative emotions or thoughts that reside within your ‘energy system.’ Own them as yours, although they appear to be caused by someone else. If you’ve had a particular conflict eighty-seven different times, with forty-two different people — notice you are the one who has been there EVERY time.

Your thoughts are the output of your mind and the realities from your mind reflect the energies held in your body. The output of a human mind tells more about the content of that mind than about the perceived world!

The next step toward healing is verbal release of the mental and emotional energies that make up repeating realities.

Say aloud, if practical, “I totally release from my life and body all feelings of ______.“Be specific with your feelings (i.e., fear, anger, criticism, or pain). “I release the thoughts that _________.“Be specific with your thoughts (i.e., Life hurts, No one loves me, or I’ll never make it).

take responsibility! The steps to liberty? Be accountable for your thoughts, emotions, and realities. It’s your life! Recognize and undo disintegrative energies. Learn to Forgive! The person or event you think ‘causes’ pain only surfaces realities that are already within you. They have given you the opportunity to heal . . . Again! Take advantage of that opportunity!

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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