Friday, February 02, 2007

new year... Chinese? Maybe soon?

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What do you feel?
I could feel the full moon again last night. And I went right to sleep early, 8 or 9pm. . . Then I popped up at 3am. When I see at 3.00am on the clock I jump right up. I know better than waiting or wanting more. . .
What did you do...?
I went through all but the Yoga. . . Clear powerful Ritual. Really Cool. I noticed it was warm outside so I opened the windows. Then I heard the rain and thunder start to my rituals. It was kinda neat, nothing new for me. I love when that happens. I have no idea what I did when it started. But I did a strong affirmation for Our continued progress and growth.

Heck I even told Mike yesterday I would pray for him. Like more people need to get a wake up call. . . Everyone should have enlightening experiences. . . But I know I can set them into high-gear, so I did last night.
When did you finish?
Oh it was 5am when I got back to bed. . . And I had some intense erotic encounter again and some cool dreams too . . .
What about the one you wrote out?
It was really weird . . . Like I was picking up my kids from colleen. Chris was still a baby and they had been out playing in a woods somewhere and all had this rash. It was like red scales breaking up on Chris's legs as I changed his diaper. Then colleen showed me her shoulder and it looked like medieval armor covering part of her shoulder and chest, all these red scales . . . really weird!
What did you feel with this?
Oh I'm always breaking up the crap that messes up families. People hold onto so much that is just not worth the effort or totally useless. Like people want to suffer and can't just let things go and move on . . . it's really weird. I guess that's why I never question when someone comes or goes. Everything is so clear and simply for me, I can get through anything, so if I do that for someone and they move on so be it. If they are lost, better that they move on so I don't get bogged down with them being so misguided. And if they get clear, they will share more with me when they are ready anyway . . . so why should I concern myself with it all.

I mean, it's funny how people find me years later . . . 20 years even a few times. And I love them anyway. Course they can't go back to pickup what I offered them the first time . . . Course they might wish for it again now ... well they could catch some if they learned everything I do. . . but who knows maybe some will learn. If they grow and learn so be it . . . if Not then they catch me next time . . . lol . . . I know I'll always be here . . . course they might never make it back to get the opportunity they had once, especially with as much as they have now if they get lost so easily.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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