Thursday, December 21, 2006

3:51:50 PM

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!


Wow am I beat. I cleaned out my office a bit. At least got rid of a lot of junk and cleared the space for the horizontal files so I can move those in here. Then I chopped up all the salad and fixing for lunch tomorrow. I started cleaning up the kitchen and realized wow am I beat. My back hurts from leaning over so much. I guess I could go get in the shower and clean that place out. But I'm really just ready for bed. It really feels good to get some things cleaned up. I've been waiting too long to do these things. And I guess I couldn't have had a better reason to get busy.

I mean even her little note last night left me with such a strong feeling from her. She's really hot and as ready as I am to get very close.

4:39:13 PM WOW, my office looks civilized … barely, but it's pretty good, considering . . . lol. .

7.44pm wow sitting across the table from the monitor, leaning back in the light from the next room so I can see the keyboard with the lights off. . . I know it should take a second to learn the keyboard . . . lol. . .

8.10pm but it's easier with the lights on. Wow, so I'm cleaning up all the floors so I can mop and shower. . . Floors, bathroom and then shower; last things to clean tonight, course then I thought I could be alone tomorrow. . . but I know it's all exactly like it always needs to be and whatever happens will be perfect. Thank You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. . .

I'm diving in, I'm diving in, sink or swim, I'm diving in, I'm diving in, here I go . . . 8.13pm Chapmon on CmRadio Best Mix…

as if you didn't know that already

8.30pm I got her picture from Harmony and use it for the computer desk top. So now I scaled this text window next to her picture so I see them both each time I look up.. . . wont you come and fill my soul, whatever it takes… CMRadio. I am Ready for You, take my heart and make me new. 8.33pm of course . . . lol. . . Wow my office is all clean and organized so I'm really ready for the new school year, it feels like a new life about to start, and my life flashes before me like it has a hundred times before as I try to type correctly. . . lol. . .

I love you Dearest Lord Jesus SO MUCH ==>>>>

THANK YOU~~~!!!!


10.33PM FOR YOU I BOW. For you I fall, Blessed redeemer, I stand amazed I stand awed… blessed redeemer I have given it all.. . feel the light, feel the light, feel the light, Halleluiah … 10.34

So the floors are done. I'm so glad I got Dan to do this, it's really nice, thousand percent from the old brown carpet and all when I moved in. So all that is left is the shower, and I'm ready for one LONG HOT shower. Wow, it's so nice to know who I am and what I am doing. . .Thank You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ, I love YOU!!! Amen!

I always knew this day would come, when I restore your innocence . . . just call my name!

11:45:27 PM course I forgot to command key in the dates again, I need them to create the program to automatically catches the date and time when it goes active and then another simple command key to catch the picture I see too. . . lol. . . wow and see what I do. . . I just finished. All showered and clean want a hair cut and bread trim. . . then I was making the bed and thought I would sleep on top of it tonight.

I mean when Lyn is in it tomorrow it will fill with her essence for me to savor until we meet again. Wow, that's such a trip.

11:59:46 PM

HA, Finished! LOL, HA HA HA !!!

I new I could get it all done today!

I'm totally wired still. For lunch I made a big salad. I even filled two pots since I wanted to cut everything up before it went bad. Then made up a fruit salad too, even got whip cream for that. . . . I just feel so much Joy and Peace right now. I mean so much of what I am is right NOW within my reach . . . I mean even the wireless keyboard and mouse… I love YOU NOW, I know your in my Heart, I love YOU NOW, I love YOU NOW, Beyond a shadow of a doubt. I love YOU NOW, all the truth, and I KNOW YOU NOW!!!

Thank You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ for all Your Peace and Beauty in My Life NOW, Let Us Grow and Share The Truth of Your Love and Peace for all The World to Learn for The Glory of Father Son and Holy Ghost Amen

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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