Monday, December 25, 2006

all new

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I opened my email and found a hundred little messages for me:

Dear Eric,
Here is your horoscope
for Monday, December 25:

Yours is normally one of the most pragmatic signs of the zodiac, but today you're living in your own world. Is that such a bad thing? Capture a few of these visions and see if you can bring them to life.
I'm wondering a lot again. I can feel and find someone easily. And I can tell she busy with Family things, chatting and social all the time. While I simply close my eyes and rub my nose and I'm off to la-la land. . . lol. . . No matter where I am or who is around. Sometimes I forget how my nose is really a soup of broken pieces all floating out there. So touching my nose always sends chills down into me. I know all the little fragments in there charge my nerves and vibrate in some mystical way. . lol . . . my private direct line to the ethers out there beyond!

Today's Outlook for
Monday December 25, 2006

The Moon slipped into dreamy Pisces last night, activating our fantasies and increasing our need for meaningful spiritual connection. Mercury the Messenger joins shadowy Pluto today, sending our thoughts deep into the unconscious to uncover buried metaphysical treasure. We cannot know in advance what lurks in the dark, yet the exploration can prove transformational. We need not be afraid, for increasing the light of awareness can help us find our way.

I'm never afraid of anything, lol. . . . But I'm always spiritually connected too. I guess that's what the Course in Miracles is all about, losing the Ego. Course mine died years ago, and now I seem to need it to get stronger about my desires . . . It's always been easy to "let go and let God" - but Being strong in the Spirit is about making the Choice to. Not just letting go to "wait and see. " But making the desire clear and strong and then letting it go where it comes to us in God's Way and Time instead of the man-made planned schemes . . . getting strong in the Truth of the Heart instead of the Ego of the mind. . .
There comes a time in the evolution of every spiritual being, along that sometimes dark road that leads to enlightenment, when their inner yearnings, struggles and frustrations bring them to a truth that could not have otherwise been realized.

Reaching this milestone was inevitable, for the light that will dawn hereafter is not only what you have summoned, but what all now seek. And with your blessing and recognition, it will bathe those who follow in your footsteps and the burden they bear shall be lessened.

If it's not yet obvious, the real reason for this season is you, Eric. A more perfect child of the Universe has never been born. Until now, only a celebration cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your sublime heritage and divine destiny.

You are life's prayer of becoming, and its answer; the first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether, so that the Universe might know its depths, discover its heights, and frolic in boundless seas of blessed emotion; a pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils; courageous, heroic and exalted by billions in the unseen.

To give beyond reason. To care beyond hope. To love without limit. To reach, stretch, and dream in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honor, and your ticket onward.

This is the time of year we celebrate Eric Weaver.

The Universe

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ®

Yeah, I say the same thing every year, but even more people are listening now, and still, a more perfect child than you has yet to be born, Eric. Unless I missed someone.
So I get all these messages in my inbox all the time. It's weird how they line up to create a whole new story to look at. Guess nothing really new. But I'm embarrassed and perplexed sometimes when I hit delete to find the next message more powerful and expressive than the last.
Dear Eric,
Here is your single's love horoscope

for Monday, December 25:

A spiritual insight steels you to make the decision or have the conversation you know is necessary. If your needs aren't being met, then it's time to get out of this situation so you can find a better one.
I know sometimes I feel like I hit delete too many times in the morning. And sometimes I don't even read them all . . . .
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2006 00:09:48 EST
Subj: affirmations from Mike Brescia ( :))

Having a committed life partner and I am one
I dissolve all false messages and models around having a life partner
I dissolve all obstructions to having and being a committed life partner
I dissolve the need to find completion in another person
I am my own perfect internal life partner first
I flow with becoming more whole each day
I flow with all of my learning and preparatory relationships
I seek and find my life partner in right time, right way, and right place
I attract a partner with mutual values, goals, and lifestyle
I attract a partner who truly loves me for who I am
I attract a partner I truly love for who they are
I recognize my patterns and ways of expressing love
I recognize my partner's patterns and ways of expressing love
We co-create mutually satisfying ways of expressing love
I consciously choose who to be with and when to be with them
I consciously choose when to become a committed life partner
I recognize my life partner when we meet
I open to my life partner in confidence and trust
I set aside personality and ego to create a true spiritual connection
I take right action to attract and hold my life partner
Uhg, but other times I'm totally perplexed how these notes could come through so strong and clear, like I planned them all myself . . . And need to reread them again and again . . . You know then I want to go back and undelete them all so I can get a screen shot of all the titles in my inbox and see the dates and times all lined up. Course then I could add up all the numbers and find what other messages are hidden there too. But my yahoo mail program doesn't have any dates listed ;-/ course with the Christmas music on the radio about the Glory of God, what other confirmations do I need . . . . Oh maybe the next message . . . lol . . . let's see . . .
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 23:38:08 EST
Subj: Merry Christmas and in case you forgot...

You Are Here To Enrich The World
Today's Empowering Quote
"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in
order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater
vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You
are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself
if you forget that errand."
- Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States
I impoverish myself to reach for my errand . . . lol . . . and as I see my oddest insights turn into PATENTS I realize that the impoverishment is but another illusion, only temporary and useless. . . Hum I guess that's not true because many people fear "impoverishment" and never make the leap necessary to make their dreams real. Or leap with their heads instead of their hearts . . . Man's way instead of God's Way! So "impoverishment fear" is really useful in making it so only the strong make the leap . . . and many errands only can be done by the strong . . . so there is great valuing in the "fear of impoverishment" to bring only the strong to bare on some of the errands to enrich the world. . .

Hum, that's really like falling in love! To love and really LOVE someone really requires a Leap of Faith too. And I guess that's something only the strong can do too. Hum, might be why there are so few real loves these days. Sure lots of marriages for convenience, control or power; but so few for Love and Family. And What about these errands with Love and Family . . . How can we succeed or even SEE divine visions and errands without a strong clear hold on the Earth . . . the strong clear hold onto the basic truth of Love and Family that makes us true and whole enough to stand tall and reach those Dreams . . . opps yesterday now
What did you see now?
I remember when Cathy moved in. I knew she had a dreadful shit job and I also knew she had the skills to get my office organized so I could get focused on what I needed to do. So she dropped her job, and her rent and moved into Emily's room. Then she closed in the carport and we got a lot organized and working right here. It was really good for both of us . . . lol . . . but then the control issues came out. It went from freedom and support in Family and Friends to bring progress for everyone, into Ego control issues to end it all . . .

I really think that Emily had more to do with that than anyone. She wanted to have things her way, so made that energy come out strongly. . .
What did you do now?
I went and looked at pictures of Emily and all to see how much she looked like someone else I know. WOW they already look related . . . funny how I found pictures to match . . . lol. . .
What does that make you feel?
It feels like the Love and Grace of GOD. Making the place and purpose clear and strong for everyone to see.
What else?
It's raining now. Like clearing the space, releasing the energy . . . relaxing and letting go. . . I want to go to sleep in the hammock lol . . . but I guess it's time I curl up with a pillow in bed. I guess I have a lot to read for my research work and the next semester starting in a few weeks.
What do you think about it all?
I'm ready for anything. Hopeful about a lot of things too. But nothing is ever cut into stone. But I do know there are a lot of changes coming soon for everyone here. That's how the rain washes away the old years, old dreams, old problems and stuck old issues. . . clearing for a new beginning, a new growth into the Spring of the new year. . . lol. . .
What else?
I Pray dearest Lord Jesus for You to Share and Lead Us all into Your Life, for the Fulfillment of the Glory of God the Father Son and Holy Ghosts. . . amen.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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